Re: [TF-LD] Web Meeting on 31.08.2018

> Michael_Koster talked about Semantic API, and how general WoT clients could be realized with Semantic API.
> Different data payloads often hinder interoperability. With <> and Semantic API we could solve
> this issue.
> Action: Michael_Koster to start off-line discussion on Semantic API in order to develop the concept further.

Here are the slides I prepared for the Semantic API discussion: <>

and some JSON examples <>

There are four areas of adaptation to work on:

1. Discovery templates for declarative semantic selectors that can resolve to an instance of a thing and select an interaction

2. Payload format adaptation as described in the DataInstance examples included

3. Data item adaptation to diverse units and scales, for example celsius -> fahrenheit, 0-255 -> 0-100%, etc.

4. Transfer layer adaptation, already being done in node-wot for many common cases 

The idea is to build a software library on top of the WoT scripting API (node-wot) that uses the semantic identifiers to automate all of the adaptations.

The examples show some ideas for how the application developer API would look.

Best regards,


Received on Tuesday, 11 September 2018 04:41:27 UTC