RE: Mappings between SSN & WoT TD

Hi Maxime,

one word about namespaces:

- we are about to move the WoT ontology from to Some of the issues you raised were also discussed in the TD calls. You can find the latest version in this repository:

- the namespaces I took for SAREF is that of the ETSI standard, which is a superset of the original version from TNO. It provides additional alignment with oneM2M. See As the group actively collaborates with oneM2M, I assumed the ETSI namespace was preferable.


From: Maxime Lefrançois []
Sent: Freitag, 7. Juli 2017 19:34
Cc: Le Phuoc, Danh; Public Web of Things IG
Subject: Re: Mappings between SSN & WoT TD

Dear all,

Following Lionel Medini's request to provide an initial alignment between the SOSA/SSN and the WoT ontology (see mail below),

Considering the TD JSON-LD context are at

and considering that these contexts refer to the ontologies at
  "td": "<>", and
"saref": "<>", (shouldn't it be<> ?)

I would rather open the discussion to Raul, Maria and Victor. My initial guess for an alignment between the SOSA/SSN ontology and the VICINITY wot ontology would be:

wot:Thing rdfs:subClassOf ssn:System .
wot:providesInteractionPattern rdfs:subPropertyOf ssn:implements .
wot:InteractionPattern rdfs;subClassOf sosa:Procedure .
wot:hasInputData rdfs:subPropertyOf ssn:hasInput
wot:hasOutputData rdfs:subPropertyOf ssn:hasOutput

@authors of the wot ontology, some preliminary comments:
- I just noticed what may be typos in the definition of wot:MediaType: estructured --> structured, os --> of , Definicion --> Definition
- typo in the label of wot:isReadableThrough
- I would suggest to rename wot:Property to wot:PropertyInteractionPattern to avoid confusion with ssn:Property
- same for wot:Event and wot:Action ?
- do you really want to impose the use of OM for units of measures ? or could we use QUDT instead ?
- instead of wot:DataSchema, couldn't we use the class rdfp:GraphPresentation from the RDFP ( ) ontology to generalize a bit to any RDF Graph that has some validation rules / lifting rules / lowering rules ? That could help to cover cases where input data or output data do not solely consist in a quantity value  (ex. some text, concepts, or force and torque values)
- could we have wot: properties that map to the CoRE resource directory rt (resource type) and if (interface) Web Link target attributes ? see RFC6690
- instead of a property with a boolean range, I've heard it's good practice to use classes instead --> disjoint classes RequiredProperty and OptionalProperty ?

Some other suggestions come to my mind, but that should be a good starting point to develop discuss further the development of that nice wot ontology and it's alignment to SSN.

@Lionel, some more comments inline

Maxime Lefrançois

 Le ven. 7 juil. 2017 à 16:41, MEDINI LIONEL <<>> a écrit :
Hi Maxime,

As I understand, Danh won’t have time to answer this email, so I rely on you.

Currently, I have mapped sosa:Platform as subclass of wot:Thing.

Because I would like to align ssn:implements with wot:providesInteractionPattern, then I suggested to align ssn:System to wot:Thing instead.

In order to show requests that are able to do more complex things than retrieving instances of WoT Thing, I will need more mappings between the 2 ontologies. For instance, it would be good if we could retrieve all things in a given area (deployment ?),

Deployment should not be considered here, you can add lat/long coordinates to anything provided that it is physical --> sosa:Platform, sosa:Sensor, sosa:Actuator, sosa:Sampling, ssn:System... (not sure about ssn:Deployment because it's aligned to dul:Event....)

or a list of available temperature sensors by querying TD classes and properties.

Do you have / could you provide me with a turtle file stating such mappings?

Thanks in advance for your help,


Lionel Médini - associate professor
LIRIS Lab / University of Lyon
Phone: +33 4 72 43 16 36<tel:04%2072%2043%2016%2036>
Fax: +33 4 72 43 15 36<tel:04%2072%2043%2015%2036>

Received on Sunday, 9 July 2017 07:59:17 UTC