AW: Updated TD example file for plugfest

Hi Michael,

Thank you for the OCF binding templates. I use these examples for the TD serialization test-bed [1] also.

While looking at them I noticed one issue (see [2]).

 "value": {
    "value": true,

should be

"value": {
  "value": true

without the trailing comma.


-- Daniel



Von: Michael Koster []
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 5. Juli 2017 19:22
An: Public Web of Things IG
Betreff: Updated TD example file for plugfest


I updated the TD example files in the CP protocol binding subfolder to have the actual contents I will use for the plugfest (modulo changes needed to work with the actual implementation on Sunday)

They are in an new PR and committed to my working branch:

Is there a place we are supposed to register these ahead of time, so we can all see all of the TDs?

Best regards,


Received on Thursday, 6 July 2017 08:40:35 UTC