- From: Maxime LEFRANCOIS <maxime.lefrancois@emse.fr>
- Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2016 09:03:58 +0200
- to: public-wot-ig@w3.org
- message-id: <45ad-57da4800-5-64150200@152266544>
Dear WoT Interest Group, I just joined the group and will be at TPAC next week. My name is Maxime Lefrançois, I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne, FR, affiliated with Université de Lyon. Some of you already met me at the WoT workshop in EURECOM late January 2016. My primary research topics are Knowledge Representation and the Semantic Web, with a recent focus on making the Semantic Web affordable to lightweight communications and devices. Projects I worked on and that could be of interest to WoT include: - developing the knowledge model for the ITEA2 Smart Energy Aware Systems project [1,2]: - SPARQL-Generate, an extension of SPARQL to efficiently lift messages in heterogeneous formats to RDF [3]; - RDF Presentation and RDF Presentation negociation, allows clients and servers to negociate lightweight representations for RDF graphs [4]. I will hence mostly be participating to the discussions around the thing description and the serialization formats for the thing description. Looking forward to TPAC. Maxime Lefrançois [1] SEAS - https://www.the-smart-energy.com/ [2] SEAS ontologies - https://w3id.org/seas/ [3] SPARQL-Generate - https://w3id.org/sparql-generate/ [4] RDF Presentation and RDF Presentation negociation - https://w3id.org/rdfp/
Received on Thursday, 15 September 2016 07:10:35 UTC