AW: Seeking WebSocket proposal team

Thanks Kaz for the pointers! Yes, I am aware of that and also plan to contact them. Before that, we should have a rough idea within the WoT IG, I think, so that a joint discussion is more productive.


Von: Kazuyuki Ashimura []
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2016 14:27
An: Kovatsch, Matthias (CT RDA NEC EMB-DE)
Cc: public-wot-ig
Betreff: Re: Seeking WebSocket proposal team

On Thu, Oct 20, 2016 at 9:11 PM, Kovatsch, Matthias <<>> wrote:
Dear group

There is a repetitive call for a WebSocket binding, yet so far we could not get an implementation for our PlugFests. I would like to get a small task force together to better understand the expectations from WebSockets and the envisioned way forward.

Please get in touch with me to organize the inputs and prepare for a first WebConf.

Thanks for sending out this proposal, Matthias!
As you know (and as discussed during the joint meeting with the
Automotive WG in Lisbon [1]), the W3C Automotive WG is working
on the WebSocket-based service interface specification.

So probably it would be useful to refer to that work at:
- GitHub version:

- Initial wiki version:



Received on Thursday, 20 October 2016 12:35:59 UTC