Re: Regular Web of Things call on scripting API

Yes, I started a project to use iot-rest-api-server with iotivity and node-iotivity to build a WoT servient based on Iotivity.

The idea is to use OCF as the REST API and use Thing Description as a hypermedia controls framework. <>

I was hoping to motivate some enhancements to TD like collections and other hypermedia design patterns.

Not much progress as I got involved with other things, but it seems like a sound concept.

Best regards,


> On Nov 7, 2016, at 9:12 PM, Kis, Zoltan <> wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 7, 2016 at 2:43 PM, Benjamin Francis < <>> wrote:
> Do you imagine this API being implemented on the client side (e.g. as a DOM API in a browser engine) or on the server side (e.g. as a Node module)? If it's the former, has any browser vendor expressed an interest in implementing this?
> The ExposedThing interface is on server (sensors, actuators) side, in order to facilitate writing support for new Things. We do have an implementation to a very similar API (OCF) in a constrained JS runtime (based on JerryScript) that runs even in MCU's. 
> <>
> If it's the latter, what is the benefit of standardising this scripting API? Calling a REST API is likely to work differently in different languages, of which JavaScript is just one.
> The client side interface is a ConsumedThing, and could be in fact a library on top of REST. Anyone can replace it, i.e. no need to standardize, but it would be nice however.
> Then, nobody prevents standardizing scripting for other languages. 
> We agree that the mother of all is the REST API. 
> Rather than specify the scripting API, have you considering specifying the REST API in terms of methods, requests and responses instead like the OCF does?
> We do have a REST API server, and I could imagine WoT comes up with a similar (but higher level) solution.
> <>  
> The draft I created is deliberately based on REST model (and connected to OCF implementation, although not the same).
> Note that the links above point to OCF implementations, not WoT implementations. Nevertheless, we do plan to support WoT scripting, once there are concrete use cases and a scripting API draft that addresses those use cases. 
> We have discussed these in today's Scripting API meeting.
> Best regards,
> Zoltan

Received on Monday, 7 November 2016 13:45:17 UTC