Proposal for a WoT servient based on IoTivity


FYI; I have collected some working documents and started a project repository to create an implementation of a WoT servient based on IoTivity as the resource layer.

The basic idea is described at: <>

Iotivity would expose resource models using the abstract transfer layer protocol bindings proposed in: <>

Initially I have mapped some SmartThings Capabilities (different things a device can do or expose, like on/off and level control) and some reference device types to Thing Descriptions.
These are the devices that would be exposed for the PlugFest: <>

I've created a set of Thing Descriptions for the Capabilities, and another set for devices, that aggregate the Capability TDs. These are all maintained at: <>

It would be great if someone would review these TD files to confirm that I understand how to use TD, before I create a larger set of TDs to represent the reference device types and capabilities.

Best regards,


Received on Tuesday, 31 May 2016 18:06:44 UTC