Proposed wording for the IG charter scope

Following on from my last email:

>  <p>
>  <img style="float:right" src="WoT%20IG%20relationship.png" alt="relationship between WoT IG and WG" />
>  The Interest Group will:</p>
>  <ul class="spread">
>      <li>Drive outreach and collaboration with interested parties, vendors and communities, including IoT industry alliances, and standards development organizations.</li>
>      <li>Encourage work on open source projects and community evaluation of the Web of Things.</li>
>      <li>Organize plugfests, and encourage the participation of IoT platform developers, as a basis for exploring ideas for enabling interoperability across platforms.</li>
>      <li>Explore use cases and requirements for a broad range of application domains for the Web of Things.</li>
>      <li>Support the Web of Things Working Group, e.g. through providing use cases and requirements as well as implementation experience.</li>
>      <li>Respond to requests from the Working Group for further study on such topics as deemed appropriate.</li>
>      <li>Propose new work items for transfer to the W3C Recommendation Track.</li>
>      <li>Coordinate with other W3C groups as appropriate to the Interest Group's mission.</li>
>  </ul>
>  <p style="clear:both">&nbsp;</p>
> </section>


   Dave Raggett < <>>

Received on Monday, 9 May 2016 15:00:52 UTC