RE: [TF-TD] TD section in current practices document

Hi everyone,

along with the quick start from Sebastian in the Current Practices document, I also detailed these examples in section "3.1.3 TD Samples". I  introduced a second JSON-LD context that references common terms and concepts used in previous plugfests, such as "Temperature" or "Sensor". Those terms should be used for semantic interoperability in the upcoming Plugfest in Montreal. They are of different kinds:

-          device type (sensor, lamp, switch, fan...)

-          property kind (temperature, brightness...)

-          action type (on, off, start, stop...)

-          units (celsius, kelvin, kwh...)

For instance, if you already had a TD for a LED in a previous Plugfest, you can now add types for the Thing and its Properties, like this:


  "@context": ["TD context", "context for common terms"]

  "@type": "Lamp",

  "properties": [


      "@type": "OnOff",






so that other devices could discover it and adapt their applicatio<mailto:>n logic accordingly. For instance, one might want to write code for a switch that autonomously pairs with your lamp and updates your lamp's property according to its own on/off value.

As soon as my Pull Request is merged on Github, the JSON-LD context will be available here: Until then, you can have a look at the PR: If you feel something is missing in this new context, please comment on that on the mailing-list or submit a Pull Request with the relevant changes.

A third example is coming shortly to show how to link different Things in a TD (with the JSON key "association").



From: Kaebisch, Sebastian []
Sent: Donnerstag, 17. März 2016 21:48
Subject: [TF-TD] TD section in current practices document

Dear TD members,

in yesterday's web meeting, I presented for the plugfest the TD section of the current practice document [1] that tries to reflect the new inputs of the Nice f2f meeting. I would also like to give a short introduction to the members who were not able to attend yesterday's web meeting:

The "Quick Start: TD Samples" section gives a quick introduction about the usage of the TD [2]. Example 1 shows the core idea of the TD. There, you can already see some simplifications in the structure of the TD compared to the version that was used for the Nice and Sapporo plugfest. This is the case for the "metadata" field which is not used anymore (name, encoding, protocol is now used on the 1st level) and this is also true for the "interactions" field (properties, actions, and events are now used directly).

Example 2 gives a sample how you are able to extend additional semantics, e.g., to properties by integrating other context in the TD.

Example 3 shows a more advanced TD that uses multiple protocols, encodings, interactions, and some security information (JWT).

Please comment on the new TD structure. Any feedback is welcome.

Still, what has not been addressed yet are the opportunity to define type restrictions (e.g., define a range of numbers) or define more complex data types, e.g., of a property.

Here, also, any ideas are welcome.

Best wishes




Received on Thursday, 24 March 2016 12:39:56 UTC