Re: TD Template

> On 16 Mar 2016, at 10:08, Charpenay, Victor <> wrote:
> Some of you expressed the need for a kind of template mechanism for Thing Descriptions. For instance, it should be possible to define something like a “TemperatureSensor” that must have a “Temperature” as a Property and maybe a “HighTemperature” Event.

This also relates to the need to be able to link to a standard definition for descriptions that are common to  a large number of devices. 

Imagine an ambient powered device that is accessed through a gateway. The device discovers and registers itself with the gateway. In doing so, it passes a reference to its description plus its id.  Such devices may not be able to use IP and instead may only be able to pass short messages, but sending a link as a shortened URI would still be viable.

p.s. I found it helpful to think about mesh networks of sensors using the Nordic nRF24L01+ chip for which the packet payload is 32 bytes.

   Dave Raggett < <>>

Received on Thursday, 17 March 2016 15:35:42 UTC