RE: Call for WoT Implementations

Hi Daniel (and everyone else),

I'm new to the group and playing catch up with the work you've all been doing, so my implementation doesn't follow any guidelines or approaches laid out so far.

I've been working on a WoT system as a part of my PhD and out of general interest. The idea behind it is to reuse and extend as much of the technology we have already, rather than creating anything new (integrating devices with the Web rather than connecting to them using Web technologies). With that in mind it has the following features:

- JavaScript from the browser to the embedded device (using Espruino on multiple ESP8266 devices, and Node.js wherever it can run, amongst others)
- A DOM in the hub to store representations of the devices connected to it
- Each device has an ID and many classes, which allow it to be referenced and controlled using CSS selectors and style sheets. This makes mass control incredibly easy. (This is the focus of my PhD).
- All communication is done using JSON, WebSockets and events
- With all of the above you can use libraries such as jQuery to control devices, and existing security measures can be easily implemented

Much more information can be found here:
And it's on GitHub here:

If anyone else sees this and is interested in pushing this idea further then I'd be interested in a larger scale deployment to demonstrate it in action.

- Software / Project Name
- Organization Name
        University of Southampton
- Platform, Language
        Node.js, JavaScript
- License
        Modified BSD3 (generally free to use, but with the clause that any large scale uses should be reported to me)
- Concise, short maturity-level statement
        ub.js is a prototype which is designed to demonstrate the use of CSS with WoT devices. It has been implemented in several test scenarios but has yet to have any real large scale deployments. As a concept, it is well formed and with a little work should make it possible to make devices as a part of the Web, rather than something the Web connects to.

Alex Owen
University of Southampton
From: Peintner, Daniel (ext) []
Sent: 03 June 2016 13:49
Subject: Call for WoT Implementations

Dear Friends of Web of Things,

As the Web of Things Interest Group has conducted a number of plugfests to share and explore implementation experience, there

has been a growing amount of curiosity from both inside and outside of the group to know what kind of projects have already

started working on the Web of Things.

Although WoT has not yet become officially standardized, we would like to make an early survey of on-going implementation

efforts. Also, we would like to ask WoT implementors to share the following data pertinent to each project.

- Software / Project Name
- Organization Name
- Platform, Language
- License
- Concise, short maturity-level statement

We intend to make a list of collected implementation data, and make it available on the WoT page [1]. Please share your data

by sending it to this list.

We appreciate your interest, help and support.


-- Daniel


Received on Monday, 6 June 2016 12:05:06 UTC