Re: Next F2F meeting - Registration and Logistics

Raphael and I are looking for a solution for this payment issue and will 
inform you as soon as we find one.


Research Engineer, Eurecom, France | +33658194342 | @skdatta2010 | Skype id: soumyakantidatta

On 13-01-2016 01:10, Takuki Kamiya wrote:
> Hi Soumya,
> Thank you for all the arrangement for the meeting.
> I have been unable to get through the payment system successfully.
> I have a corporate travel MasterCard (from Bank of America) that I am
> required to use for my travel expense, and it seems that the payment
> system requires certain features that is not implemented on the card.
> The specific message I get from the system is this:
> "Your CB does not allow to pay the amount of the order which automatically activated 3DS"
> Is the any other way for me to make the payment?
> Thank you,
> Takuki Kamiya
> Fujitsu Laboratories of America
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Soumya Kanti Datta []
> Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2016 7:22 AM
> To:
> Cc: Raphaël Troncy
> Subject: Next F2F meeting - Registration and Logistics
> Dear All,
> Happy new year 2016.
> I'd like to remind you that you must complete the Google Form for
> logistics and pay the registration fees. Some of you have completed the
> form but not paid the registration. The deadline for both of them is
> 15-Jan-2016.
> If you need an official letter of invitation for visa, please contact
> Raphael Troncy cc'ed in the email.
> BR,
> Soumya

Received on Wednesday, 13 January 2016 04:50:25 UTC