Re: invitation to contribute to a joint white paper on semantic interopability

Hey Dave,

I'd also be happy to contribute to this effort!

On Feb 24, 2016 4:13 AM, "Dave Raggett" <> wrote:

> The WoT IG has been liaising with oneM2M on semantic interoperability, and
> one outcome has been an agreement that it would be appropriate to work on a
> joint white paper. To keep things simple this is an informal collaboration
> by the individual contributors, and not a formal work item of either W3C or
> oneM2M.  We’re expecting to incorporate lessons learned from the upcoming
> IAB workshop, and to broaden the base of contributors to include other
> standards development organisations (SDO's).
> The aim is to encourage convergence on what we mean by semantic
> interoperability, how to enable it across different platforms and
> standards, and what next steps would be appropriate for the SDO’s involved.
> We’re aiming for 2 or 3 contributors on behalf of each SDO  so as to
> provide a balanced perspective. Please let me know if you are interested.
> We’re hoping for broad dissemination and review.
> —
>    Dave Raggett <>

Received on Wednesday, 24 February 2016 16:04:45 UTC