[wot] minutes - 14 December 2016

available at:

also as text below.

Thanks a lot for taking these minutes, McCool!



      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -

                             WoT IG Meeting

14 Dec 2016



   See also: [3]IRC log

      [3] http://www.w3.org/2016/12/14-wot-irc


          Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_Koster, Daniel_Peintner,
          Dave_Raggett, Kirby_Shabaga, Matthias_Kovatsch,
          Sebastian_Kaebisch, Michael_McCool, Takuki_Kaiya,
          Uday_Davuluru, Yongjing_Zhang, Debbie_Dahl,
          Darko_Anicic, Feng_Zhang, Masato_Ohura, Yingying_Chen,
          DarkoAnicic, Katsuyoshi_Naka, Takeshi_Yamada,




     * [4]Topics
         1. [5]oneM2M liaison
         2. [6]OCF liaison
         3. [7]WG Charter
         4. [8]F2F
         5. [9]oneM2M liaison (revisited)
         6. [10]update on OPC foundation liaison
         7. [11]Scripting update
         8. [12]TD update
     * [13]Summary of Action Items
     * [14]Summary of Resolutions

   <kaz> scribenick: McCool



oneM2M liaison

   <inserted> scribenick: McCool_

   Yongjing mentions the msg from oneM2M to W3C regarding liaison
   has been sent to the W3C liaison Team

   <kaz> Yongjing will forward that message directly to Dave and

OCF liaison

   OCF Liaison... call this Friday

   currently skype, can make another arrangement if necessary

WG Charter

   kaz: got approval for WG from director

   so, we are done... working with Wendy for the next step

   Michael McCool mentions APA issue has been resolved

   should accept the collab pull request

   seem to be some conflicts

   is a conflict in the pull request... number 286

   Matthias will attempt the merge

   <kaz> [16]WG Charter at the official location

     [16] https://www.w3.org/2016/07/wot-ig-charter.html

   Kaz will also check details. the point here is that there
   should not be any difference between Wendy's version and our
   repo version.

   all other WG charter pull requests to be closed

   can run diff tool on version in repo with version used by Wendy
   to make sure there are not any differences

   also, please accept 271, presentation to OCF; Mozilla issue is

   <mkovatsc_> Wendy, could you send me your version? I will
   commit it to our repo.

   Wendy made some edits, Matthias to copy into repo

   starting date is date of W3M: Dec 7, 2016

   Kaz working with Wendy for announcement

   Kaz will contact chairs to start planning meetings for WG


   McCool: F2F funding has been obtained

   will book Crowne Plaza

   Feb 5 set-up in the afternoon

   feb 6-9 for event

   invitational day-- the 9th?

   regarding visa, intel should provide invitation letters

   please contact Ryan Ware for visa letters

   a form would be useful...

   <kaz> the procedure depends on countries, so people are
   encouraged to check with US embassy in their countries

   <kaz> Yongjing asks McCool to put the info on VISA/invitation
   on the f2f wiki

   <kaz> [17]f2f wiki


oneM2M liaison (revisited)

   <inserted> scribenick: McCool

   oneM2M agreement being reviewed, will be distributed when ready

   will discuss next week

   <inserted> Kaz has just found the liaison message from the
   oneM2M contact on the email archive, and will work within the
   W3C Team.

update on OPC foundation liaison

   Matthias call with Tom Burke and technical director of OPC

   presented what WoT is doing, technical building blocks

   main take-away: first time encountered another org with
   holistic framework for protocols, semantics, vocab

   they started to integrate companion standards

   OPC is pretty powerful... but WoT is perhaps even more

   OPC also started with RPC and optimized for their use cases

   have not quite figured out how to deal with collaboration with

   will have another meeting with someone at Siemens, discuss
   roadmap, come up with some actions for liaison

Scripting update

   <inserted> [18]Scripting minutes

     [18] https://www.w3.org/2016/12/12-wot-minutes.html

   discussed REST API in charter or not... determined to leave as
   it is

   will however, put a RESTful definition somewhere; as an
   informative deliverable under something else, eg. Binding

   Could also do a Note

   could also do an appendix

   "REST API is generated from a TD like this"

   McCool: an orientation session and a tutorial would be useful

   -> consider when doing agenda for F2F

   FAQ would be useful as well

   had getting started slides

   Q&A format is helpful to focus on small

   input from newcomers would be useful

   how do we optimize onboarding -> let's discuss at F2F

   We also discussed the MMI group at SA meeting

   Multi-Modal Interaction

   <kaz> [19]WoT and MMI discussion

     [19] https://www.w3.org/2016/12/12-wot-minutes.html#item02

   how to write a web site with non-standard interfaces, eg
   speech, specialized I/O devices

   <kaz> [20]interaction between WoT's T2T and MMI's UI

     [20] https://www.w3.org/2002/mmi/kaz/images/MMI-as-UI-for-WoT.png

   architecture is similar... how can TD and modality components

   will let us do things like connect to speech recognition etc.

   would be a useful demo

   proposal to invite MMI people to plenary calls and/or to F2F

   <kaz> Resources on MMI for PlugFest:
   - [21]MMI lifecycle event transport
   - [22]MMI Interoperability Test

     [21] https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/REC-mmi-arch-20121025/#HTTPTransport
     [22] https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/NOTE-mmi-interop-20120124/

   academic workshop on WoT... universal descriptions, generate
   right UI

   ex, vision impairment; universal remote controller, person also
   in APA

   <dsr> Dave notes that on the W3C staff, Shadi Abou-Zahra is
   responsible for accessibility for the web of things.

   <inserted> Kaz mentions we also invited Michael Cooper from the
   APA WG to the WoT session during the Web Conf in Montreal.

   Could turn into an umbrella topic: interactions between Users
   and Things

TD update

   <kaz [23]Quick Start: TD Samples

     [23] https://w3c.github.io/wot/current-practices/wot-practices.html

   removed global definitions of endpoint

   encode information at a local level

   links is more used than endpoints

   also use href rather than uri

   also introduced a "base"

   this is the uri for this TD, valid for all interactions

   then hrefs are all relative from that

   but... can still use absolute href

   overriding base

   this is the "release candidate", please comment as soon as

   will freeze before Christmas so we have a stable version for
   the plugfest

   events, still using structure we were using before

   is an event example in the quick start

   also uses communication meta-data on a local level using links

   <mjkoster> I have comments but my audio is not coming through
   to the conference

   is this enough information to set up stream-based events?

   <mjkoster> have we defined stream based events?

   for CoAP, can do Observe

   <mjkoster> What other styles are we talking about?

   <mjkoster> is it pub/sub?

   not sure what other styles of event handling can be handled

   <mjkoster> +1 jhund

   <mjkoster> we need one model that expresses thru TD, scripting
   API, and REST binding

   <mjkoster> my audio is not getting out so I can't unmute

   call for implementations? which patterns? still some major work
   to get eventing right

   dsr: has been investigating, don't need ALL the information,
   need "contract" information

   should minimize information in TD

   dsr: need to identify "driver"

   mediaType - the right approach?

   <mjkoster> We can use link relations and all web linking

   <mjkoster> +1 jhund

   <mjkoster> yes!

   is some protocols that can negotiate media, and some that can't

   dsr: what is contract platform should use to talk to another
   ... mediaType is wrong level of detail

   <mjkoster> I have no audio

   koster: agree with web linking direction

   web links can point to pub/sub topics. rel can say it's a
   pubsub topic. link relations can be used for event mapping
   also. there is common vocabulary around relations, even a
   baseuri already in common use

   <dsr> I wanted to state that the thing description needs to
   provide an identifier that the application platform needs to
   identify which contract to use to communicate with the remote
   platform. Details like IETF media types are part of that
   contract and should not be exposed to the application developer
   as they are not relevant to the object model that the
   application developer deals with.

   needs more clarification

   <dsr> Thanks Michael for the explanation, an example of a
   contract parameter is the OCF resource type and resource id

   McCool: maybe contract defintion with arguments

   what we need is a concrete definition

   <mjkoster> hypermedia is a general contract

   <mjkoster> I can hear, but I can'r speak

   michael K, dsr, get together and define a concrete proposal for

   outer contract, then "inner" format is encoding

   dsr: another issue is that "mediaType" has been used for data
   formats, is already a standard

   <mjkoster> the HTML media type defines quite an interaction

   it is PART of the contract...

   <mjkoster> The OCF media type will also define it's interaction
   model application/vnd.ocf+cbor

   dsr: agree there is a need for a registry

   <mjkoster> I fully support the idea of making TD an extended
   web linking approach

   <dsr> A registry of identifiers for the contract where the
   registration includes the metadata parameters involved

   can we rely on things that are already "out there" via links?

   <dsr> we could of course just use linked data rather than a
   centralised registry

   and can even put parameters in uris...

   (above comment from McCool)

   Agenda for next meeting: REST discussion, contracts between
   application and platform

   plans for next plugfest; logistics, agenda, etc

   procedure for adding agenda items: edit wiki and put it in the
   "agenda stash"

   [ adjourned ]

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]

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    1.148 ([25]CVS log)
    $Date: 2016/12/14 15:51:41 $

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Received on Wednesday, 14 December 2016 15:54:57 UTC