- From: Michael Koster <michaeljohnkoster@gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2016 11:23:59 -0400
- To: Public Web of Things IG <public-wot-ig@w3.org>
- Message-Id: <BE02EF26-73DE-4DAD-AC02-201F18E06710@gmail.com>
09:11] == mivhael [~mivhael@public.cloak] has joined #wot [09:11] <mivhael> Dave introduces the topic of charter review [09:12] <mivhael> Interest group has been an incubator of ideas, other working groups forming e.g. security [09:13] <mivhael> Charter typically 2 years [09:13] <mivhael> Chair will be needed [09:14] <mivhael> Process of initial draft + refinement [09:14] <mivhael> 3 years is not a long time [09:14] == jeff [Jeff@public.cloak] has joined #wot [09:15] <mivhael> Joerg: continue discussion from yesterday re inter-platform over web [09:16] <mivhael> Claes: what is the network effect? [09:16] <mivhael> Dave: value increases as the number of participants in a service increases [09:17] <mivhael> Dave: face to face meetings [09:18] == Soumya [~Soumya@public.cloak] has joined #wot [09:19] <mivhael> Dave: introduce the web landscape in the document and limits the scope so organizations can determine IPR concerns [09:19] == yingying [yiyichen@public.cloak] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds] [09:19] <mivhael> Dave: the WoT is based on web architecture [09:20] <mivhael> Dave: introduce diagram and ask Claes to comment [09:20] <mivhael> Claes: important that scripting API is for both exposing and interacting with things [09:20] == yingying [yiyichen@public.cloak] has joined #wot [09:21] == yingying [yiyichen@public.cloak] has quit [Client closed connection] [09:21] <mivhael> Claes: also important to specify other scripting environments besides js [09:22] <mivhael> Claes: Table, what is the relation between this table and what we are going to standardize ? [09:23] <mivhael> DAve: we could annotate this with the information about what we are going to do [09:23] <mivhael> Sebastian: the document should set out early to define what we are going to do [09:25] <mivhael> Dave: not a spec for what you do in a browser, otherwise we need browser architects [09:25] <mivhael> Joerg: figure vs. range of architectures but the figure only shows one scenario for architecture [09:26] <mivhael> Joerg: it needs to convey what we are working on, and can we communicate the range of scenarios and architectures [09:26] == kaz [~kaz@public.cloak] has joined #wot [09:27] <mivhael> Joerg: most people are visual, can we show some of a range of target architectures [09:27] <mivhael> Joerg: also, what about discovery and other aspects of the system [09:28] <mivhael> Dave: it needs to be small and we need to be careful about what we express [09:29] <kaz> -> https://github.com/w3c/charter-drafts/issues/52 <https://github.com/w3c/charter-drafts/issues/52> Michael's issue on github [09:30] <mivhael> Joerg: what are the problems we are looking at, and our understanding of the approach [09:30] <mivhael> Johannes: THe image should convey 3 good messages [09:31] <mivhael> Johannes: about what we're doing [09:31] <mivhael> Dave: what is WoT as opposed to IoT should be addresses witj specific intention [09:32] <mivhael> DAve: sec. 1.1 describes what we want to do [09:32] <mivhael> Dave: starting with TC as vocabulary rather than ontology; more developer friendly [09:33] <mivhael> Dave: security data model not discussed [09:33] <mivhael> Dave: concerned that srcurity is not at the same level of maturity; is trust assertion too ambitious and be dropped [09:34] == katsu [~katsu@public.cloak] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds] [09:34] <mivhael> r/scrurity/security/ [09:35] <mivhael> Kaz: Is this scoping? [09:35] <mivhael> Dave: what should we do? [09:35] <mivhael> Kaz: should this be shorter? the explanation is overkill, we should express the key essence [09:36] <mivhael> Dave: shorter description would broaden the scope [09:36] <mivhael> Dave: will drop the security one [09:37] <mivhael> Kaz: should be the few points that express what the whole group agrees with [09:38] <mivhael> Dave: trying to set expectations without too much detail [09:38] <mivhael> Dave: we know we need these elements [09:38] <mivhael> Daniel: second bullet is concrete, others are too abstract [09:39] <mivhael> DAniel: should be balances in level [09:39] <mivhael> Joerg: make it more focused and make references to other documents [09:41] <mivhael> Sebastian: Doubts that we have worked out how security is done with linked data [09:42] <mivhael> Dave: Oliver wanted to make sure security is mentioned [09:42] <mivhael> Dave: we could cite external sources instead of adding content [09:42] <mivhael> Dave: and detail [09:43] <mivhael> Dave: get review of companies before review [09:43] <mivhael> Joerg: ask Oliver for more information about what we should do [09:44] <mivhael> Dave: get feedback on the approach and what security people would like to see [09:44] <mivhael> Dave: srcipting section - Johannes invited to present this part [09:44] <kaz> Present: Joerg_Heuer(Siemens), Dave_Raggett(W3C), Kaz_Ashimura(W3C), Michael_Koster(Samsung,_SmartThings), Soumya_Kanti_Datta(Eurecom), Matthias_Kovatsch(Siemens), Taki_Kamiya(Fujitsu), Victor_Charpenay(Siemens) [09:45] <kaz> Present+ Louay_Bassbouss(Fraunhofer_FOKUS), Toru_Kawaguchi(Panasonic), Frank_Reusch(RWE/Lemonbeat), Kazuo_Kajimoto(Panasonic), Claes_Nilsson(Sony), Yoshiaki_Ohsumi(Panasonic), Katsuyoshi_Naka(Panasonic) [09:45] <kaz> Present+ Ryuichi_Matsukura(Fujitsu), Kazuaki_Nimura(Fujitsu), Daniel_Peinter(Siemens), Sebastian_Kaebisch(Siemens), Johaness_Hund(Siemens) [09:45] <mivhael> Johannes: Text based on github collection [09:46] <mivhael> Johannes: why do we need a scripting API and what functions are needed based on some use case descriptions [09:46] <mivhael> Johannes: looking at both server side and client side, but it looks like it is not in the document; it should be in there [09:47] <mivhael> Joerg: it is in the first bullet but not clear [09:47] == katsu [~katsu@public.cloak] has joined #wot [09:47] == jeff [Jeff@public.cloak] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds] [09:47] <mivhael> Johannes: stronger explanation of the server side scripting [09:49] <mivhael> Dave: it's not clear what we mean by server [09:50] <mivhael> Johannes: Message we want to convey is that we are scripting for both access and for exposing, providing [09:50] <mivhael> Matthias: server defines a specific interaction pattern [09:51] <mivhael> Matthias: are we locked into protocols that are client-server, should there be an abstract interaction model for who initiates and who provides [09:51] <mivhael> Dave: client-server is also misleading [09:52] <mivhael> Matthias: assigning server roles to a browser is confusing [09:52] <mivhael> Johannes: client interacts, server exposes [09:52] <mivhael> Kaz: there are some diagrams we could include [09:53] <mivhael> Joerg: we should not assume too much about the audience, get feedback from reviewers [09:54] <mivhael> Johannes: when we have a better way, we can update it but for now as is [09:54] <mivhael> Dave: collect feedback [09:54] <mivhael> Johannes: could we have 2 bullet points to illustrate provider/consumer [09:55] <mivhael> Dave: points need to stand alone without relying on a lot of explanation [09:55] <mivhael> Joerg: security is a question to expect here [09:56] <mivhael> Joerg: we should explain that we are aware of the security issue [09:56] <mivhael> Claes: should not use "servient" here [09:57] <mivhael> Dave: get tech writers to help [09:58] <mivhael> Dave: this will be reviewed by technical people [09:59] <kaz> present+ Yingying_Chen(W3C) [10:01] <mivhael> Joerg: the first section should be more introductory and complete for a first evaluation [10:02] <mivhael> Joerg: get outside reviewers to look [10:02] <mivhael> Joerg: let's be clear about what our message is in the first section [10:03] <mivhael> Johannes: can we get a pull request from Louay? [10:03] <mivhael> Johannes: describes discovery on one bullet, needs some work? [10:04] == Sebastian [~Sebastian@public.cloak] has joined #wot [10:04] <mivhael> Johannes: description of thing life cycle, want to add something like creating a thing as a mirror for another thing as an example [10:06] <mivhael> Johannes: try to explain how different languages are supported in a consistent way independent of the lenguage [10:06] <mivhael> Dave: design pattern [10:06] <mivhael> Soumya: provisioning as pert of the life cycle [10:06] <mivhael> Johannes: does it belong with discovery? [10:07] <mivhael> s/pert/part [10:07] <mivhael> Louay: could define a setup phase in the life cycle [10:08] <mivhael> Johannes: not part of the runtime [10:08] <mivhael> Louay: has high requirement for security [10:08] == yingying [yiyichen@public.cloak] has joined #wot [10:08] <yingying> present+ Yingying_Chen [10:08] <mivhael> Soumya: registering could be like provisioning for some cases [10:09] <Sebastian> present+ Sebastian_Kaebisch [10:09] <mivhael> Joerg: we need to explain why this appears in the document here [10:11] <yingying> rrsagent, make minutes [10:11] <mivhael> How do we define state transitions in the life life cycle model? What are the APIs? examples? [10:12] <kaz> kajimoto: mentions the need for managing the transition of state/phase to handle lifecycle [10:12] == RRSAgent [rrsagent@public.cloak] has joined #wot [10:12] <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/04/13-wot-irc <http://www.w3.org/2016/04/13-wot-irc> [10:12] <yingying> rrsagent, make minutes [10:12] <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/04/13-wot-minutes.html <http://www.w3.org/2016/04/13-wot-minutes.html> yingying [10:12] <kaz> s/How/Kajimoto: How/ [10:13] <mivhael> Matthias: we need metadata that describes life cycle transitions and states [10:14] <mivhael> TD has a life cycle also [10:14] <mivhael> Sebastian: we are discussing [10:15] <mivhael> Daniel: should there be a separate security section [10:15] <yingying> rrsagent, make log public [10:15] <RRSAgent> I have made the request, yingying [10:15] <mivhael> Johannes: it's good to have security statements in the descriptions of how we do things also? [10:15] <mivhael> Dave: in the intro also? [10:16] <mivhael> BIndings [10:16] <yingying> rrsagent, make minutes [10:16] <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/04/13-wot-minutes.html <http://www.w3.org/2016/04/13-wot-minutes.html> yingying [10:17] <mivhael> Johannes: this is to explain to developers how to adapt protocols to the WoT environment [10:18] <mivhael> Johannes: each protocol has some important features that need consideration in the binding, the protocol experts should be involved [10:18] <mivhael> Soumya: oneM2M has a protocol binding system [10:18] <mivhael> Dave: other groups also have protocol bindings [10:19] <mivhael> Johannes: bindings to protocols or frameworks, the scope of it is bigger [10:19] <mivhael> JOhannes: there may be some confusion around this [10:20] == ohsumi [~ohsumi@public.cloak] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds] [10:20] <mivhael> Claes: not sure how this impacts our scope, could it be huge? [10:20] <Soumya> oneM2M - HTTP protocol binding - http://www.onem2m.org/images/files/deliverables/TS-0009-HTTP_Protocol_Binding-V1_0_1.pdf <http://www.onem2m.org/images/files/deliverables/TS-0009-HTTP_Protocol_Binding-V1_0_1.pdf> [10:20] <mivhael> Claes: more th escope of the target organization [10:20] <Soumya> oneM2M - MQTT protocol binding - http://www.onem2m.org/images/files/deliverables/TS-0010-MQTT_protocol_binding-V1_0_1.pdf <http://www.onem2m.org/images/files/deliverables/TS-0010-MQTT_protocol_binding-V1_0_1.pdf> [10:21] <mivhael> Dave: the 2 have to work together somehow, from both sides, leave it open to joint determination with each organization [10:21] <mivhael> Johannes: the main output should be how you create a binding to a protocol or a framework [10:22] <mivhael> Dave: we could have informative docs as well to help with this [10:22] <mivhael> Matthias: specifically, we want to coordinate and give guidance but not make the documents [10:23] <mivhael> Dave: we should collaborate on the framework-specific documents [10:24] <mivhael> Soumya: we could review the oneM2M bindings in TF-AP [10:24] <mivhael> Johannes: we could work one level up from this [10:24] <mivhael> Dave: bindings to platforms and protocols, orgs we work with [10:25] <mivhael> Claes: What about e.g. websockets, who will make the bindings? [10:26] <mivhael> Dave: we could charter another activity if needed [10:26] <mivhael> Dave: IETF, OASIS, etc. could get involved and help [10:27] <mivhael> Johannes: it could be a huge space to try to write binding specifications [10:28] <mivhael> Johannes, we could statr the work informatively and ask SDOs to pick up the normative work [10:30] <mivhael> Louay: could use uri-beacon for pointing to a TD, and provide some basic mapping [10:31] <mivhael> Matthias: some protocols can be mapped, some protocols need to be modified or have a shim layer added which is out of scope for W3C [10:32] <mivhael> Johannes: this is about who writes the normative text. It's much better if the SDOs do this [10:34] <mivhael> Johannes: we need to make it very clear what is needed to be done to bind a protocol or platform to WoT [10:36] <mivhael> Dave: as a matter of scope, we need to be precise about what we are going to do. For example, we could decide to work with SDOs to identify changes [10:36] <mivhael> Joerg: do this in the context od collaboration [10:38] <mivhael> Kaz: we have identified target platforms in the landscape documents, can we mention these in the document [10:38] <mivhael> Joerg: worried about making a list, what message does it sent to orgs that aren't on the list? [10:39] <kaz> i|Joerg:|-> https://w3c.github.io/wot/landscape.html <https://w3c.github.io/wot/landscape.html> Landscape document| [10:40] <mivhael> Dave: we should be able to refer to some examples [10:41] <mivhael> Matthias: should id be a scope issue vs. a logo collection [10:42] <mivhael> Matthias: transfer vs. transport [10:43] <kaz> -> https://github.com/w3c/charter-drafts/issues/51 <https://github.com/w3c/charter-drafts/issues/51> Michael issue on github about transfer protocol [10:43] <mivhael> Johannes: this will appear in the collaborations with other organizations [10:44] <mivhael> Dave: if important protocols or platforms need changes, we would need to take action, what is the action as scope definition [10:44] <mivhael> Joerg: what is in scope, out of scope, for example a shim layer is between scope [10:45] <mivhael> all agree we don't do protocols [10:47] <mivhael> Dave: the charter is expected to provide limited detail on the deliverables [10:47] <mivhael> Dave: and timelines, e.g. first public draft [10:49] <mivhael> Joerg: should the deliverables tie back to the scope, and be consistent with what is there [10:50] <mivhael> Dave: what is the new W3C charter template? [10:50] <mivhael> Joerg: is it about completion ? [10:51] <mivhael> Dave: more toward first WG draft as a milestone [10:51] <kaz> -> https://w3c.github.io/charter-drafts/tvcontrol-2015.html <https://w3c.github.io/charter-drafts/tvcontrol-2015.html> TV Control WG charter [10:53] <mivhael> Dave: non-normative deliveraables also [10:56] <mivhael> Joerg: add scenarios for cross-platform [10:57] <mivhael> Matthias: add architecture document as informative reference [10:57] <mivhael> Dave: could be kept as IG document [10:58] <mivhael> Dave: binding examples? [10:59] <mivhael> Dave: requirements could be IG document [10:59] <mivhael> Joerg: normative vs. official/unofficial [11:00] <mivhael> Matthias: IG can publish an official informative documants [11:00] <mivhael> Dave: IG can do the informative work [11:00] <mivhael> Dave: maybe bindings should be a WG product [11:01] <mivhael> Joerg: also the primer could be a WG deliverable [11:03] <mivhael> Matthias: the intention is to cover a broad range in TD without needing a lot of other logic [11:05] <mivhael> Joerg: specify the relationship of the WG to the IG [11:05] <mivhael> Done with Charter review [11:07] <mivhael> Joerg: At some point the comment phase is done when the number of comments is reduced and we have more confidence [11:08] <mivhael> Joerg: We should repeat the run-through as needed [11:08] <mivhael> Joerg: set a reasonable time frame, have a webconf run-through [11:08] <mivhael> Dave: hard to do this in one week [11:09] <mivhael> Joerg: 3 weeks? [11:09] <mivhael> Joerg: ask for input, incorporate comments, have the ren-through [11:10] * kaz the deadline for comments is May 4th :) [11:10] <mivhael> Claes: email is not usually effective [11:10] <mivhael> Joerg: github issues [11:10] <mivhael> all agree on using github issues [11:11] <mivhael> Johannes: send email when you post an issue [11:13] <mivhael> Dave: members of IG get feedback from their company/org/community to insure there is a broad level of support [11:14] <mivhael> Joerg: both company internal, and outreach to the community [11:14] <mivhael> Joerg: can we get an indication from everyone on whether your company would join the WG [11:15] <kaz> -> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/F2F_meeting_2016,_April,_11th_-_13th,_Montreal,_Canada#Wednesday.2C_13th_of_April.2C_WoT_IG_Meeting <https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/F2F_meeting_2016,_April,_11th_-_13th,_Montreal,_Canada#Wednesday.2C_13th_of_April.2C_WoT_IG_Meeting> Day2 agenda [11:15] <mivhael> Joerg: how should we proceed with the meeting today? [11:16] <mivhael> Joerg: focus on topics for the rest of the day [11:16] <mivhael> Joerg: rest of the contribution from Fujitsu [11:16] <mivhael> Joerg: BLE mapping [11:17] <mivhael> Joerg: start on the bindings scenario document [11:17] <mivhael> Joerg: those 3 items, are there others? [11:17] == toru [~toru@public.cloak] has joined #wot [11:18] == Louay [~Louay@public.cloak] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds] [11:18] <mivhael> Joerg: should we split into 3 groups next? [11:22] <kaz> [ Room assignment will be put on the wiki ] Claes <http://irc.w3.org/?channels=wot#>dapea <http://irc.w3.org/?channels=wot#>dfr <http://irc.w3.org/?channels=wot#>jet <http://irc.w3.org/?channels=wot#>kajimoto <http://irc.w3.org/?channels=wot#>katsu <http://irc.w3.org/?channels=wot#>kaz <http://irc.w3.org/?channels=wot#>misalias_ <http://irc.w3.org/?channels=wot#>mivhael <http://irc.w3.org/?channels=wot#>ms7821 <http://irc.w3.org/?channels=wot#>RRSAgent <http://irc.w3.org/?channels=wot#>schuki <http://irc.w3.org/?channels=wot#>Sebastian <http://irc.w3.org/?channels=wot#>Soumya <http://irc.w3.org/?channels=wot#>taki <http://irc.w3.org/?channels=wot#>thor <http://irc.w3.org/?channels=wot#>tobie <http://irc.w3.org/?channels=wot#>toru <http://irc.w3.org/?channels=wot#>trackbot <http://irc.w3.org/?channels=wot#>yingying <http://irc.w3.org/?channels=wot#>
Received on Wednesday, 13 April 2016 15:24:33 UTC