[wot-f2f] minutes from Open Day - 11 April 2016

available at:

also as text below.

Thanks for taking notes, Dave and Yingying!



      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -

                        WoT-IG Open Day/Plugfest

11 Apr 2016

   See also: [2]IRC log

      [2] http://www.w3.org/2016/04/11-wot-irc


          Joerg_Heuer(Siemens), Dave_Raggett(W3C),
          Johannes_Hund(Siemens), Joao_DE_Sousa(Bosch),
          Victor)Charpenay(Siemens), Valentin_Heun(MIT_MediaLab),
          Daniel_Peinter(Siemens), Taki_Kamiya(Fujitsu),
          Matthias_Kovatsch(Siemens), Soumya_Kanti_Datta(Eurecom),
          Kazuaki_Nimura(Fujitsu), Ryuichi_Matsukura(Fujitsu),
          Kaz_Ashimura(W3C), Toru_Kawaguchi(Panasonic),
          Katsuyoshi_Naka(Panasonic), Kazuo_Kajimoto(Panasonic),
          Yoshiaki_Ohsumi(Panasonic), Yingying_Chen(W3C),
          Louay_Bassbouss(Fraunhofer_FOKUS), Claes_Nilsson(Sony),
          Claes_Nilsson, Ian_Skerrett(Eclipse_Foundation)


          Yingying_Chen, yingying


     * [3]Topics
         1. [4]Welcome to the WoT IG Open Day
         2. [5]Soumya presents IoT Application Development using
            Semantic Web Technologies
         3. [6]Valentin Markus Josef Heun of MIT: Reality Editor
         4. [7]Joao Sousa (Bosch): BEZIRK Platform
         5. [8]Implementation work on web of things servers and
            gateways (Dave Raggett)
         6. [9]Takuki Kamiya & Daniel Peintner: EXI for WoT
         7. [10]Getting Started with a WoT Project
         8. [11]Ian Skerrett: "Eclipse IoT: Open Source Building
            Blocks for IoT Developers"
         9. [12]Plugfest and Demos
     * [13]Summary of Action Items

Welcome to the WoT IG Open Day


     [14] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/images/4/4c/Open-day-intro.pdf

   Joerg: any questions?
   ... next would be a number of contributions of talk.

   1. Soumya Kanti Datta (EURECOM): IoT Application Development
   using Semantic Web Technologies

   2. Valentin Markus Josef Heun of MIT: Reality Editor project

   3. Joao Sousa (Bosch): BEZIRK Platform

   4. Dave Raggett: implementation work on web of things servers
   and gateways

   5. Takuki Kamiya & Daniel Peintner: EXI for WoT

   6. Michael Koster: T.B.D.

   7. Matthias, Kajimoto-san, Sebastian, Johannes: Getting Started
   with a WoT Project

   8. Ian Skerrett: "Eclipse IoT: Open Source Building Blocks for
   IoT Developers"

   scribe: after that would be the plugfest.
   ... now I would ask Soumya to give the presentation on IoT
   Application Development using Semantic Web Technologies

Soumya presents IoT Application Development using Semantic Web

   <dsr> scribenick: dsr

   Soumyaâs slide:


   The URI pasted badly and should be


   Soumya describes an approach in which sensors are discovered
   and provisioned, and provide their data in SenML, which is then
   translated into RDF

   This supports applications through semantic web technologies
   such as SPARQL.

   He describes a process whereby during provisioning, users
   select semantic templates for their devices.

   The RDF is handled in the cloud using the M3 Framework which
   itself is implemented using the Jena Framework.

   An Android device is used as a home gateway that bridges the
   cloud to the IoT devices

   The gateway is based upon the Android SDK and AndroJena


   Kaz: Referring to slide 12, This shows two sensors A and B. And
   those sensors A and B know their own capability, i.e., A is
   thermometer for human body and B is thermometer for room temp.
   So they have some memory and remember their capability. Right?


   Kaz: 2nd question on slide 13. What about coordination and
   synchronization across a group of devices? Sometimes we want to
   synchronize multiple devices depending on the application.

   Soumya: yes, that is a challenge. here you can have any number
   of devices.

   Johannes: you do reasoning in the cloud, and push actuation to
   the edge. Have you considered how you would handle actuation in
   the edge?

   Soumya: actually the cloud is only used to hold the data and
   templates, the rest is handled in the edge

   He points to the paper referenced at the bottom of slide 11.
   This explains everything.

   Soumya: the only thing that goes to the cloud is sensor type
   and domain

   We could do the processing in the cloud, but android devices
   like tablets are powerful enough for the kinds of tasks weâre
   looking at.

   The cloud would be good for analysing very large amounts of

   Question about vehicles

   The data is key to enabling new services

Valentin Markus Josef Heun of MIT: Reality Editor project

   Joerg introduces Valentin

   Valentin: I am a PhD student at the MIT Media Lab.

   I did a degree in design and am now working on computer science
   and bridging the two areas

   The IoT area is particularly interesting in respect to the
   human machine interface.

   My thanks to Johannes for inviting me to talk today.

   I will talk about an augmented reality interface to the real

   He shows a smart phone for controlling a smart home.

   Will the IoT machines just chat together or do we want to stay
   in control.

   Right now there are a huge number of apps for controlling IoT
   services, it is completely overwhelming.

   How can we recover the relative simplicity of the real world.

   We need a way that ordinary people can cope with. Terminals and
   lots of arkane commands wonât work. Graphical user interfaces
   were an improvement.

   We need to associated icons on the apps with the real world
   devices, e.g. a door handle, light switch or thermostat

   He shows a video of a card with a sensor. The augmented reality
   display adds a computer generated display that appears to be
   attached directly to the card

   He shows several other examples where human interaction with
   physical objects drives the human machine interface shown in
   the augmented reality display.

   He asks how can we balance virtual/physical object interaction?

   When you buy a product (e.g. a toaster) you first learn how it
   is operated. You can then set it up to meet your needs

   Much less interaction is needed once the set up phase is done

   e.g. a car radio where you preset the buttons to your favourite

   Spatial interaction with physical objects exploits your spatial

   End user programm is way too complicated. This is why we need
   to machines to talk to each other and learn from us

   Question: youâre switching from operation to programming, â¦

   Answer: let me explain as I continue

   For the automotive industry, it takes 5 years to get to market,
   so they need to predict where to aim for in 5 years time. This
   is hard.

   We need an abstraction layer to relate devices and enable them
   to talk to each other.

   Each physical device has a number of components that you can
   interact with.

   These can be mapped into numeric parameters

   He talks about one device without a timer being connected to
   another device to use that deviceâs timer.

   Many IoT devices commit you to handing control to a cloud based

   It would be nice to allow users ton retain control and change
   the service as desired.

   In a video of demos, each device has a generalisation of a 2D
   bar code that the smart phone can use to identify how to talk
   to it. This makes it easy to create new augmented reality user
   interfaces for these devices.

   The project is implemented entirely on open web standards, e.g.
   HTTP, WebSockets, JSON, HTML5, JavaScript

   He cites the recent news stories of NEST ending support for
   earlier devices turning them into useless objects.

   We need to give users power to control their things

   He notes that the devices use multicast broadcasting over UDP.

   Each device holds its own description

   The reality editor uses IFRAMEs to project web pages onto the
   physical scene

   More details on OpenHybrid.org


   Sebastian: where is the semantics, that wasnât clear to me

   Valetin: the work comes from the user perspective, semantics
   are more important in dynamically changing environments

   Joerg: you shows how to define behaviours for combinations of
   physical objects. This will need semantic info to scale up

   Valetin: I am exploring this in my thesis work

   Johannes: your work relates to things weâve been thing of at
   Siemens, e.g. how to decompose things, and how to model them

   For example, contrasts between properties and actions, and
   processes that last for some extended time period

   Joao Sousa: how do you cope with different people being
   confused by how things have been set up, or when you come back
   to something after a period in which youâve forgetten what you
   did earlier

   Valentin: the behaviour is not stored in your smart phone

   The domain effects what kinds of interactions make sense, i.e.
   are they safe or would they cause a risk of harm

   Joao: whatâs the implementation architecture?

   Valetin: the bar code for each device identifies a URI on a web
   server for apps to talk to

   Valetinâs contact info: heun@media.mit.edu

   We thank Valentin and start a coffee break of 30 mins

Joao Sousa (Bosch): BEZIRK Platform

   Joao introduces himself.

   Iâve been with Bosch since 2012. 16 years ago I was working on
   connected things at Carnegie Mellon, â¦

   Zirk comes from the German world for circle

   you can also use the sense of machines that have gone berserk!

   He mentions a story about a garage door service where customers
   were shocked to be told not to use their doors for the 4 hours
   during which the software upgrade was being applied!

   Many current devices just talk to their vendors own service,
   i.e. each vendor operates in its own silo

   Little incentive for sharing data beyond the silo

   Some data is meant to be shared, others is private and not for

   There are concerns about leakage as different info sources are
   combined to build strongly identifying models about you.

   Amazon uses cloud based speech processing, so now Amazon can
   listen to whatâs happening in your home!

   Other examples include Jabra (pulse rate), SleepIQ (snoring)
   and ToTo toilets that perform real-time analysis of bodily
   wastes - that info would be valuable to insurance companies,
   This is an unprecedented level of risk to privacy

   Weâre interested in allowing users to reclaim boundaries of

   We do this with what we call âspheresâ

   Communication between spheres is via âpipesâ - these are
   requested by services and authorised by users.

   Spheres of trust are boundaries of confidentiality

   It is perhaps unreasonable for a sensor/appliance to be
   burdened with being a peer on the Internet.

   We need good APIs to enable lots of local processing.

   IP addresses, geolocation and semantic topic labels are ways of
   identifying who can receive messages.

   He notes that Bosch have cameras that have embedded face
   recognition ...

   This can be used to verify that someone is present

   A smart phone can verify its owner is present and operating
   that device

   Bezirk supports directed messages that are sent to a named
   end-point, and pub-sub models where senders direct messages to
   parties interested in a given semantic address

   The latter can include the geolocation, perhaps expressed
   semantically rather than as lat/long

   Confidentialy spheres of trust are useful socially for privacy
   and technically for scope and scale.

   Joao notes that model interchange protocols are key

   He describes context sensitive preferences, e.g. where one
   person values a warm room, or how strong someone likes their
   coffee, which might depend on the time of day etc.

   IoT services should be able to learn and apply peopleâs
   preferences and to balance different peopleâs preferences where
   there is a potential conflict

   As people interact with devices, the devices advertise the
   interactions with their users. A personal device like your
   smart phone can then discover other nearby devices and program
   them accordingly

   Joao cites stepping into a rental car or into a hotel room as

   Bosch have worked on one protocol for observations of user
   behaviour and another for requesting user profiles with
   information restricted to designated topics.

   Theyâve used a subset of the W3C semantic sensor network

   They want to publish the SDK for this work

   and open source the implementation


   Sebastian: how do you describe actuators?

   Joao: the observation protocol is about learning behaviour

   Devices may combine sensing and actuation roles

   Actuation exploits the personal profiles protocol (named

   Sensors just broadcast observations using the protocol named

   A user agent combines knowledge inference, knowledge modelling
   and knowledge filtering.

   We need a conflict resolution policy for resolving conflicts
   between rules

   If every oneâs phone is their user agent, then these agents
   need to collaborate to resolve conflicts due to different rules
   for different people.

   The slide also allows for resolution in the device being
   controlled, or perhaps its agent.

   The approach allows users to ask why some preference wasnât

   Joerg: there could be thousands of people operating devices, so
   scaling becomes a challenge

   It is important to find simple abstractions if we are to

   <kaz> scribenick: kaz

   Kaz: in that case, maybe we could have multiple levels of
   manager of interactions, e.g., home level, city level and
   country level

   Joao: possibly. let's talk about that offline.

   Kaz: yes.

   <kaz> scribenick: dsr

   Louay: clients broadcast messages, how do you deal with the
   management of the spheres of trust

   slides to be made public

Implementation work on web of things servers and gateways (Dave

   <kaz> scribenick: kaz

   sr-2016-04-11.pdf Dave's slides


   soumya: lot of engineering challenges
   ... p24, semantic constraints
   ... what kind of constraints?

   dsr: software and power
   ... maybe energy is a good metric

   soumya: you can run it on a smartphone?

   dsr: very powerful environment
   ... what if there is energy constraint

   claes: very first slide
   ... p2
   ... what is the gateway?

   dsr: some powerful device than arduino
   ... and can talk multiple protocols
   ... addressing issue is regarding low-layer stuck

   sebastian: T2T interaction
   ... need to think about that

   dsr: lot of opportunity for different topologies

   claes: direct p2p connection?

   dsr: depends on the hardware capability

   joerg: constraints with device capability
   ... controller for communication or just sensing?
   ... scale from small to large
   ... we should follow the idea

   dsr: there is a rank
   ... trying to understand what the architectural requirements

   valentin: lot of discussions by Intel
   ... esp. regarding Arduino

   dsr: insecure devices and secure devices

   valentin: complicated to consider device-to-device

   joao: distinguish Things?

   dsr: the question is how to expose the application
   ... had lots of discussion during previous meetings
   ... actions may pass a value when they're invoked

   joerg: we're quite behind, so would propose we have lunch now
   and after that let's do the EXI session
   ... we'll have the demo session at another room
   ... so we'd have brief introduction for that later

   [ lunch ]

   <yingying> scribe: yingying

Takuki Kamiya & Daniel Peintner: EXI for WoT

   Takuki shows the slides. He explained the background of XML.

   Takuki: there are use cases that XML can not deal with. We need
   to handle these use cases.
   ... we saw 2 factors in use cases. One is use of schema. If
   there is schema, the schema can be totally or partially
   defined. Sometimes you could not find schema.
   ... another factor is the use fo compression.
   ... EXI design is schema-informed. schema is optional.
   compression is optional.
   ... this diagram shows the baseline grammar is used when
   informed no schema.
   ... this is some encoding result.
   ... another aspect to consider is the processing efficiency.
   EXI is good.
   ... about channeling, markup goes into structure channel and
   value goes to normal channel. This way EXI does better than
   ... about implementations, the top three are open source you
   can use. the bottom 2 are commercial tools.
   ... this is my part presentation.

   Daniel: I will try to take over.
   ... what would people get from EXI rather than JSON?
   ... effiiency, more compact, reuse for XML and JSON.
   ... this is a simple example transforming JSON and EXI for
   ... this is a measurements we did today. EXI4JSON is much
   better than JSON.
   ... this is just for JSON using a very generic schema.
   ... extended string: EXI strings , shared Strings, split
   ... the WG just goes into a public WG. Here are the links for
   your convenience.
   ... comments or questions?
   ... I put the demo link here.


   Daniel: left side is JSON, right side is the binary.

   Dave: what is the timeline of the WG?

   Takuki: Now working on JSON/XML for WoT. CSS compaction just

   Jeorg: Thank you.
   ... next topic is a WoT project from Matthias.

Getting Started with a WoT Project

   Matthias: there are some of links for documents: architecture
   and current practice.
   ... wiki for preparation of next F2F plugfest.
   ... last ones are plugfest projects available.
   ... first, Kajimoto-san will introduce the architecture, I will
   talk about WoT interface, Sebastian will introduce the TD and
   Johannes will introduce the Scripting API.

   Kajimoto: this is an overview of the architecture for WoT
   ... App script provides accesss to and control of internal data
   of devices.
   ... TD is very important to discover the thing.
   ... simple case: browser knows the semantics of WoT device by
   TD so that the brouser app calls the client API through WoT
   ... servient will call the corresponding API according to what
   is requested.
   ... some powerful devices can have the servient on itself.
   ... WoT Servient can also be on the smartphone.
   ... this is a WoT servient on smart home hub.
   ... this is an example of WoT servient on cloud.

   Matthias: let's look at the WoT API.
   ... above the WoT interface, we have the protocol binding. we
   can have multiple protocol bindings. Above the protocol
   bindings is the resource model.
   ... the servient can have the client role or server role or
   ... if you want to participate the plugfest, you need to figure
   out what is the role of your device.
   ... then select the platform that is suitable.
   ... client role: Angular.js and web browser.
   ... server role: Sensor/actuator: Arduino, ESP8266,mbed; devce
   simulators: Node.js.
   ... for proxy, not yet. Welcome to contribute.
   ... then pick up the protocol you want to support.
   ... HTTP, CoAP. for MQTT, eclipse has a project mosquitto.

   Sebastian: Things Description.
   ... I want to use a WoT servient. I want to know several
   questions. The answer is in the TD
   ... based on the information in TD, the T2T communication could
   be set up.
   ... describe your thing based on JSON-LD.
   ... how does the TD look like? Here is an example.
   ... We need the TD context, which has to be standardized by W3C
   WoT WG.
   ... There might be external context defined by other
   organization to enrich the definitions with additional
   semantics. This is not W3C scope.
   ... How to create a TD?



   Kaz: hierarchy of the TD?

   Michael: would discuss that point

   Victor: control other things?

   Michael: maybe just a collection of things.

   Victor: there is convention in JSON-LD.

   Michael: That is what I'm just looking for. What we should do?

   Dave: do we have defaults?

   Michael: there could be things in one level or multiple levels.
   ... recursively or whatever.

   <kaz> scribenick: kaz

   Sebastian: would talk about the details during the breakouts

   Kajimoto: agree

   Michael: about the media types, do we have a better way to
   organize them instead of just the real order?

   Matthias: the question could be a topic for breakout session.

   <kaz> scribenick: Kajimoto_Kazuo

   Joao: Use case "Tell me the temperature very near around me",
   then current things description is static, not dynamic
   semantics description, so current TD cannot represent such

   <kaz> scribenick: kaz

   Kaz: basically Joao suggests we should think about concrete use
   case for each TD sample, and I'd agree
   ... we should generate concrete use case description for each
   TD sample

   <kaz> scribenick: Kajimoto_Kazuo

   Kajimoto: Current TD is basic layer description, to represent
   dynamic semantics, some upper layer TD scheme is proper to be

   <kaz> scribenick: yingying

   Johannes: Scripting API.
   ... how do we standardize the scripting API.
   ... let's look into the thing for the 3 kinds of APIs: client
   API, Server API and Physical API.
   ... why? to avoid fragmentation,...
   ... from app development viewpoint, thing vendor
   ... I'll show example of scripting APIs.

   Johannes showed the examples for client API, server API and
   Physical access.

   Johannes showed an example of things discovery.

   Johannes: questions?

   Claes: for this plugfest, how is it supported on security
   consideration to access the API?

   Johannes: this is an item we identified from last plugfest.
   Currently we don't have protocol specification on it. However,
   it's in our roadmap.
   ... we should come up with examples so that we can see what we
   could implement in the scripting API or Runtime.

   <kaz> scribenick: kaz

   Joao: security should be handled by not applications but
   middleware level

   <kaz> scribenick: yingying

   Joao: Security is somehow like what is done in Java container.

   [some discussion about security model]

   <kaz> scribenick: kaz

   Kaz: Automotive group has been discussing security use cases
   and clarified the need for several levels of security, i.e., OS
   level, middleware level, application level and data level
   ... also the security TF of this WoT IG has been discussing
   security need as well, you're welcome to join the discussion on
   the mailinglist
   ... and again I completely agree with you we should clarify
   security use cases as well

   <kaz> scribenick: yingying

   [tea break]

Ian Skerrett: "Eclipse IoT: Open Source Building Blocks for IoT

   Ian: a technology has to be open if it's widely adopted.
   ... there is a lot of cases and web is the best one.
   ... still a lot of silos in IoT which is frustrating.
   ... look at the MQTT by IBM and other in 1999. around
   2011-2012, it was announced open source.
   ... MQTT is successful scenario in IoT.
   ... open HW is a key enabler for IoT.
   ... 5-7 years ago, no open HW available. YOu need to buy the
   ... also open source is another key enabler for IoT.
   ... it allows you download thing and just try.
   ... this is a typical IoT Architecture.
   ... MQTT, CoAP, and LWM2M are the open standards we
   ... MQTT adoptions: Amazon, MSFT Azure, IBM Bluemix. Last week
   Arduino announced it adopts this model.
   ... bar chart about the protocol in use in IoT.
   ... we also have IoT GW services. IBM has four implementation
   of MQTT.
   ... This is the framework Kura provides.
   ... We have the building blocks and then we have the IoT
   Solution Framework.
   ... in Home automation industry, it's a mess. Hundreds of
   ... eclipse smarthome is adopted by many companies.
   ... We will move on to be a server.
   ... Haukbit and Homo are what we have as the IoT server
   platform. Redhat and bosch adopt it.
   ... Vorto's goal: co-generators for different platforms.
   ... information about our community: 21 projects, 150+
   ... we have a portal and sandbox servers.
   ... we are look for people to get involved.
   ... that's it. any questions?

   Kaz: is it OK to publish the slides to w3c wiki page?

   Ian: yes.

   <kaz> scribenick: kaz

   Kaz: we might want to add the information in this slides
   (=Eclipse IoT and Vorto) to our Technology Landscape document
   at: [19]https://w3c.github.io/wot/landscape.html

     [19] https://w3c.github.io/wot/landscape.html

   <kaz> scribenick: yingying

   Matthias: we could add a link of implementation to the protocol
   section of our landscape.

   Dave: test suite?

   Ian: MQTT has almost mature test suite.

   Johannes: license, patent?

Plugfest and Demos

   Joerg: balance between demo and plugfest. this time we donn't
   add new feature.

   Joerg: I would ask Johannes to give you a framework.

   Johannes: we use this table to collect people's contribution.

   <kaz> [20]Plugfest participation table


   Johannes: what is the Thingweb projects
   ... we are just providing some tools for people to join the WoT
   ... these are findings in this F2F.
   ... comments or questions?

   Joao: snake?

   Joerg asked people to introduce what they implemented.

   Dave: mDNS gateway

   Matthias: CoAP binding implemented.

   Louay: SSDP support for thing exposure and discovery.
   ... for client, I use the tool Node-RED .

   <kaz> [21]Discovery Flows


   Sebastian: T2T interaction based on common plugfest vocabulary.

   <kaz> scribenick: kaz

   (discussions on the TD processing flow)

   (note that /onOff and /toggle here are device dependent
   commands translated from the TD for air conditioner and
   electric stove)

   Michael: where the TD comes from?

   Valentin: what about generic description for air conditioner,

   [ Open Day adjourned ]

Summary of Action Items

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes formatted by David Booth's [22]scribe.perl version
    1.128 ([23]CVS log)
    $Date: 2016/04/12 10:59:07 $

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Received on Tuesday, 12 April 2016 11:32:17 UTC