Re: [TF-AP] Assigning tech landscape talks

Hi Johannes,

I can present CoRE Link Format and OMA LwM2M as I am working with  
these technologies. Let me know in which call you would like me to  


Research Engineer, Eurecom, France | +33658194342 | @skdatta2010 | | Skype id: soumyakantidatta

Quoting "Hund, Johannes" <>:

> Dear Web of Things interest group,
> Dear Protcols&APIs task force,
> As per our charter, we wish to landscape the different current technologies.
> Focus is to have an overview of the technology, and their potential   
> applicability and relation to the Web of Things.
> For this, I started a list on our wiki page:
> The plan is to have contributions on the mailing list and short   
> presentations in our calls on the various technologies.
> This could be done by the TF members and by outreaching and inviting  
>  presenters.
> The target woulod be to gather key findings in the wiki in order to   
> be able to compile it into a document.
> I would ask all the IG and especially the TF-AP members to pick up   
> technologies and provide a contribution by either:
> * directly providing executive summaries and/or findings in the wiki  
>  or the mailing list
> * presenting experiences or findings in the call
> * providing a contact to invite a speaker to the call
> Thank you,
> Looking forward for your contributions!
> Best Regards,
> Johannes

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