AW: [IG-SP] Conf call on Thurs, July 23

There was only Edoardo and me in the call today. Since Edoardo also was in Prague but will not be in Sunnyvale, we short-circuited the agenda:

1.       Housekeeping, minute taking

Nothing special, informal note taking only (this mail)

2.       Joint IRTF T2T/W3C WoT Meeting in Prague<,_Czech_Republic>: takeaways, next steps (note: I will follow up in another mail to provide a short digest as an input)

There is a mail from Monday digesting the SP breakouts and discussions. According a discussion with Jörg there shall be a T2T/WoT report during the F2F => I'll create a few slides for SP and you should get the takeaways during the F2F

3.       F2F Meeting in Sunnyvale, CA<>: roll-call, outlining & discussing SP sessions (day 1: report, day 2: SP breakout, day 3: discussion with TFs)

We briefly talked about the SP items for the F2F. As far as I know:

i.                    We might have a contribution by HP (plenary) around the OWASP Top Ten for IoT and related efforts (don't remember an ACK - so don't take it as 100% granted)

ii.                  There will be a  report on the state/goals/next steps for SP to the plenary. I'll prepare slides for that and the main idea is to have 2 matrix-style slides where one shows dependencies between the TF use cases and SP requirements (in the first round: based on guessing, to be refined in interaction with the TFs) and the other shows dependencies between SP requirements and SP mechanisms. In addition to that the audience would be presented with what to expect from SP. Things are already in Wiki and there should not be surprises. This is more to make sure all are on the same pag

iii.                There shall be a report on the SP discussion in Prague (see above)

iv.                 There will be the SP breakout. I don't  want to formalize that by coining an a priori agenda. I would much more prefer to address this in scrum-style: we have input on the deliverables (see above) as well as some initial structure (see SP Wiki) and we have - most important - you. How we come from there to the announced results is something that I'd like to discuss with you in the breakout. So the breakout would be a mixture of procedural and technical discussions (we don't have to have all answers by the end - just the questions and a good common understanding of how to address things in the sequel). To avoid that things are too abstract we might want to highlight particular use cases (selection) for some more concrete instantiations of our work. Like in Prague we would also like to understand where the home turf of the group is by e.g. prompting for hand-raising on  "security-only", "security-that-delivery-privacy", "security/privacy", "privacy-only"

v.                   There will be mutual sessions between SP and the 3 TFs. This is to have a closer look on the relation between TF use cases and SP requirements as well as to get started (brainstorming) on particular cases such as "Authz for discovery"

4.       Landscape: there seems to be a plethora of ad-hoc project-level approaches and we should agree on criteria for inclusion/exclusion (here: design-time SP mechanisms). My rough suggestion is:

·         Needs to be published by a W3C-recognized body such as IETF

·         Needs to be a standards-level or at least working draft document

·         In case of a working draft an active document needs to be available by the reference day <TBD> (could be something like Oct, 31)

Deferred to F2F

5.       AOB


Best regards,


Von: Pfaff, Oliver []
Gesendet: Dienstag, 21. Juli 2015 07:38
Betreff: [IG-SP] Conf call on Thurs, July 23


we'll be having our next call on WoT security&privacy matters Thurs July, 23 8:00 - 9:00 UTC / 10:00 - 11:00 CEST / 1:00 - 2:00 PDT / 17:00 - 18:00 JST<,12,1850147,100&h=8&date=2015-7-7&sln=16-17>

Conf call details:

Meeting number(Access code): 648 113 488

Meeting password: wotsec

Audio connection: +1-617-324-0000 US Toll Number

Meeting link:

Host key: 649524

Minutes to be taken on IRC: (this is a proposal, not sure if any a priori setups are needed, let's have a try)

The proposed agenda is:

6.       Housekeeping, minute taking

7.       Joint IRTF T2T/W3C WoT Meeting in Prague<,_Czech_Republic>: takeaways, next steps (note: I will follow up in another mail to provide a short digest as an input)

8.       F2F Meeting in Sunnyvale, CA<>: roll-call, outlining & discussing SP sessions (day 1: report, day 2: SP breakout, day 3: discussion with TFs)

9.       Landscape: there seems to be a plethora of ad-hoc project-level approaches and we should agree on criteria for inclusion/exclusion (here: design-time SP mechanisms). My rough suggestion is:

·         Needs to be published by a W3C-recognized body such as IETF

·         Needs to be a standards-level or at least working draft document

·         In case of a working draft an active document needs to be available by the reference day <TBD> (could be something like Oct, 31)

10.   AOB

As always, this is open for your suggestions

Kinds regards,


Received on Thursday, 23 July 2015 11:19:17 UTC