Re: [TF-AP] Minutes of Meeting for today's call

Hi all

I'm shocked of seen Sinatra and Rails as "Server-Side APIs". To my
knoledge, these are web frameworks oriented towards a language (Ruby). Also
Express is a JS framework for web applications. I'm not sure to understand
how such frameworks fit in the technology landscape.

I would expect more generic frameworks like
* Streams API*streams*-api/
* RX-* (a family of reactive programming libraries for different platforms)
* Flow Based Programming (FBP) as provided by the nodered or noflow

Pablo Chacin
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On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 2:47 PM, Hund, Johannes <>

> Der task force members,
> please find the minutes of our call here:
> Key outcomes:
> - People are encouraged to complete the tech landscape and present
> relevant technologies such as protocols or API patterns in the next calls
>         * AI: All to contribute to tech landscape at [1]
>         * AI: Louay to add technologies, e.g. discovery protocols and
> relevant points for the TF
>         * AI: Louay to give an executive summary on presentation API in
> next weeks call
> - We strengthened the common understanding that we will focus on providing
> a model for application layer rather than picking and mandating for a
> single transport layer protocol
> - We identified four objectives for the Sunnyvale F2F:
>         * Affix and agree on a common understanding of the basic resource
> model for web things
>         * Agree on the architecture model resp. terms
>         * Show up technology landscape
>         * Provide inputs and topics for the WG charter
> - For the joint F2F with IRTF T2T in Prague we will provide a wrap-up
> resp. a summary of the discussion
> - A refined iteration of this summary will also be provide for the
> Sunnyvale F2F to ramp up guests on the open day
> Best regards,
> Johannes
> [1]

Received on Wednesday, 1 July 2015 13:45:38 UTC