Spatail Data on the Web

This group may be aware that relevant standardisation has just started in the new (joint) W3C /OGC Spatial Data on the Web Working Group, with its inaugural meeting in a few hours from now.
As well as dealing with location and spatial representation, the group will be  standardising the widely used SSN ontology, the even more widely used OWL-Time ontology, and  tackling remotes sensing too.   It is likely that IoT use cases will be very influential in the work, and please help us to ensure that they are!



Dr Kerry Taylor
Principal  Research Scientist
Digital Productivity, CSIRO
Adjunct Professor, ANU; Principal Fellow, University of  Melbourne; Visiting Reader, University of Surrey, UK

E:<> or<>  T: +61 2 6216 7038  S: kerryleataylor
Post: CSIRO Digital Productivity Flagship, GPO Box 664, Canberra ACT  2601, Australia
Street:  Computer Science & Information Technology (Building 108), Australian National University, North Road, Acton ACT, Australia<>

Received on Wednesday, 21 January 2015 22:36:43 UTC