Re: Poll on teleconferences

Just a quick introduction. I am Edoardo Pignotti and I currently work as a
researcher at Nominet UK which I recently joined.  My background is on
Semantic Web Technologies and AI and I am particularly interested in
provenance of information, data protection/privacy,  data quality and
policies. Prior to joining Nominet, I was involved in a number of academic
IoT-related project in the areas of transport, logistics and healthcare.
In the past I have also been involved in other W3C activities and I will
be very interested to contribute to the Web of Things effort.

I am based in Oxford, United Kingdom and the proposed times for the
conference calls are both fine for me.

All the best,


On 13/02/2015 19:38, "Obrst, Leo J." <> wrote:

>Hi, folks, 
>I am involved mostly in ontologies and the Semantic Web (having
>contributed to the original W3C OWL effort), AI, knowledge
>representation/reasoning, and mostly federal government applications of
>those, including currently future semantic electronic healthcare record
>issues. But I am also very interested in IoT and issues with
>ontologies/SW, semantics for IoT. Also, some of us are currently engaged
>in Ontology Summit 2015: Internet of Things: Toward Smart Networked
>Systems and Societies:
> Maybe some folks here
>would be interested in this?
>My slightly out of date bio is at:
> Probably I will tend to
>be a lurker, but will participate when I can and when it is appropriate.
>Thanks much,
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Tran, Dzung D []
>>Sent: Friday, February 13, 2015 1:15 PM
>>To: Public Web of Things IG
>>Subject: Re: Poll on teleconferences
>>A quick intro on myself. I am currently work at Intel in the wearable
>>group. I am
>>responsible for middleware on devices that communicate to the cloud. I am
>>part of the Intel(r) Edison team that delivered open source iotkit
>>communication that provides device-to-device and device-to-cloud
>>communication. I also participate in W3C DAP and was one of the early
>>contributors/editors for some of the sensor specifications.
>>I am based in beautiful Pacific Northwest. I am looking forward in
>>contribute to
>>this effort.
>>Dzung Tran
>>From: "<>" <<>>
>>Date: Friday, February 13, 2015 at 8:55 AM
>>To: Public Web of Things IG <<mailto:public-wot-
>>Subject: Re: Poll on teleconferences
>>Resent-From: <<>>
>>Resent-Date: Friday, February 13, 2015 at 8:55 AM
>>It's my turn to introduce myself.  I am a member of the W3C staff and
>>will serve
>>as the staff contact for this group. I have been closely involved with
>>standards since 1992 when there were just a tiny number of servers.  The
>>of Things is likely to take the Web to a whole new level with the
>>predictions for
>>vast numbers of connected sensors and actuators. W3C is in a unique
>>to develop standards for web technologies given our ability to bring
>>people from a very broad range of companies and geographic regions.
>>I am based on the United Kingdom and will be able to make both of the
>>slots for the teleconferences.   If you have any questions about the W3C
>>processes and systems, I will do my best to answer you.
>>   Dave Raggett <<>>

Received on Tuesday, 17 February 2015 08:05:22 UTC