- From: Frans Knibbe <frans.knibbe@geodan.nl>
- Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2015 12:14:21 +0100
- To: Kerry Taylor <Kerry.Taylor@acm.org>
- Cc: Public Web of Things IG <public-wot-ig@w3.org>, SDW WG Public List <public-sdw-wg@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CAFVDz41WNqT8OgpRFgKgx1PcQpux0GbgBrc=F0TNOSFYkech3w@mail.gmail.com>
Hello Kerry, I will gladly accept that SSN being to big is a furphy because it can be reduced. But doesn't your story illustrate that its complexity makes it difficult to use? I am not burdened with any practical experience with SSN (yet), but I can imagine that in order to arrive at an optimal (minimal) set of semantics for an application it is easier to start with a small core module and expand that if necessary then to start with something big and try to reduce it. I can also imagine that having a small core module that is always used will enhance interoperability between different implementations in the long term. Regards, Frans 2015-11-26 13:02 GMT+01:00 Kerry Taylor <Kerry.Taylor@acm.org>: > Dear WoTers and SDW-ers, > As Jano mentioned in the SDW meeting this week when we kicked off our > work on the Semantic Sensor Network ontology, SSN is widely used in the > context of IoT research. > It is also widely criticised for being "too big" for small devices. > However, this is a furphy. Because SSN is an OWL ontology it can be > reduced as much or as little as you like by fixing some properties and > relationships for particular use cases. This means you can design small > fragments very flexibly for all different kinds of devices -- that can then > be reassembled as entirely interoperable SSN with an off-the-shelf domain- > independent reasoner when you have more resources. For example, the SDW > group is also tackling the massive scale of satellite sensing -- and this > too requires integration with small-device sensing or even eye-balled > ground data in some of our use cases. > > I have developed an example to show what I mean here, based on the little > WoT vocabulary I saw demonstrated at Sapporo. Please do not think I am > suggesting I have the right vocabulary here -- I only wanted to demonstrate > how it can be done with a few OWL tricks. > > I have shown my examples in turtle and SPARQL -- although SDW is more > likely to be talking JSON-LD and maybe WoT will be even smaller (noting > even a CSV format can be interpreted as an ontology with some middle-layer > processing). I have also used the "modularised" form of SSN for this (SDW > people have heard of that), which in this case makes it a bit more > complicated and lots of sparql prefixes than are needed for the monolithic > ssn -- but dealing with this is very much MUST DO on the SDW agenda. > > What I have done is to create a small SSN extract by a number of ontology > tricks such as fixing property values of subclasses by restrictions and > adding property chains to skip over concepts along paths between a wanted > class and another wanted class. This is far from perfect, it is just meant > to show it is possible. I have not done a good job with datatypes which is > a particular requirement for the Wot group and needs a little more > thought. Renaming classes and properties to suit a different audience is > also easy. > SSN has a placeholder to describe "devices" which was intended for things > like protocols that do not relate to sensing per se. This is an area that > could be extended in SDW work for WoT demands -- you can see I made a new > protocol property here. > > The attached file wot2.ttl is an ontology intended to look like a small > web of things vocab, that imports SSN. This would be used with reasoning > installed on a server that can interoperate over devices of all sizes. > myregistryentry.ttl is a little ontology that describes a couple of > sensors in terms of Wot2. Each of these might be what a little device > declares to a server, or uses to interoperate with another little device. > I have described the two sensors in different ways just to demonstrate the > flexibility of the approach -- I am not saying that either is a good > design. > I also have below attached some sparql queries over the (reasoned) > Wot2+SSN server that show how "missing bits", kind-of defaults for a > sensor type, that the device itself may not even know about, can be > filled in from the ontology. A server might query the ontology this way to > populate a "registry". The WoT people demonstrated a "registry" with not > much more than this in it in sapporo -- going really tiny. > > This approach allows arbitrary numbers of small or very small vocabularies > to be developed that have no idea about reasoning or ontologies, but can > also deliver their little payload in a way that is highly interoperable > with bigger things. > No-one will ever make one ontology of the right size for arbitrary > Things, but this approach allows you to define families of ontologies that > are quite trivially stitched back together by off-the-shelf > domain-independent reasoning. That has to be a Good Thing! > > Discussion very welcome. > > Regards, > Kerry > ------------ > SPARQL queries: > > PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> > PREFIX owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> > PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> > PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> > prefix dul: <http://www.loa-cnr.it/ontologies/DUL.owl#> > prefix sso: <http://something.something/sso#> > prefix ssno: <http://something.something/ssno#> > prefix ssno_ds: <http://something.something/ssno_ds#> > prefix ssno_pd: <http://something.something/ssno_pd#> > prefix ssn: <http://something.something/ssno_pd_dul#> > prefix wot2: <http://www.semanticweb.org/kerry/ontologies/2015/10/wot2#> > prefix : <http://www.example.org# <http://www.example.org/#>> > > # check reasoning happened - there are 2 sensors # > > Select * where { ?s a sso:Sensor } > > # Retrieve first example > Select * where { ?s a wot2:temperature-wot; > wot2:hasCurrentValue ?y . > ?y dul:hasDataValue ?z } > > # Retrieve second example > Select * where { ?s a wot2:wot ; > wot2:hasProtocol ?p; > ssno:observes wot2:pressure; > wot2:hasCurrentValue ?z . > ?z a wot2:Floatvalue } > > ##get the datatype of the second example - note you get "named > individual" as well which > #can be cleaned out with a filter in the SPARQL > Select * where { ?s a wot2:wot ; > wot2:hasCurrentValue ?z . > ?z a ?t } > ## find out what each sensor observes and its protocol- note this was > defined in the wot > > #ontology for the first sensor (and so for all sensors of its type) but > in the registry > > #declaration of the second (showing that you get complete flexibility > about what you ask the > # sensing device to provide of its own description at run-time vs > design-time > > Select * where > { ?s a wot2:wot; > wot2:hasProtocol ?p; > ssno:observes ?o > } > > #Warning: don't get put off by all the namespaces -- I have deliberately > done this > #the hard way to explore an alternative version of the ssn (for SDWWG > work). > > > > > > > > >
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