AW: WebIDL for Thing API

Hi Louay, all,

Thank you very much for the initial WebIDL draft. It looks very promising!

Looking at the draft I was wondering how we can model aspects such as "a property value has been changed" or "an action has been called". A thing might be interested in such events and we should allow to get a notification to update the UI or to react elsewise.

The thing description tutorial [1] does not really mention this aspect in details. That said, it offers the attribute "Stability" that I think is meant to cover this idea w.r.t. property...

Hence, I was wondering whether we could have something like the following in the Interface Thing

addPropertyChangedListener(DOMString propertyName, ThingEventListener listener)
addActionCalledListener(DOMString actionName, ThingEventListener listener)

Or, do you have any other proposal/idea how we could achieve that in a better manner?


-- Daniel


Von: Bassbouss, Louay []
Gesendet: Montag, 14. Dezember 2015 13:27
Betreff: WebIDL for Thing API

Dear group members,

I just submitted the initial WebIDL draft of the Thing API [1] I demonstrated @TPAC in sapporo. It considers also feedback I received from some of you. It is just a draft to start with. Can we put an Agenda item to discuss it in the next phone call.



Received on Tuesday, 15 December 2015 14:56:50 UTC