AW: [TF-TD] minutes for yesterday's TD call

Hi Soumya,

> One little point of correction. Jan 24th is Sunday and the plugfest will be on Jan 25th.

based on our experiences of the plugfest in Sapporo it is very helpful to have a preparation day to setup up all infrastructure and do some first tests with the Things. That means, this will be one day before the plugfest. Would it be possible?

> @ Sebastian, Darko - would you like to join the next TF-DI meeting to examine how do we do discovery based on TD. By
looking at the minutes, I think you are looking for central registry based discovery. We could narrow down to the scenario together.

Sure, I can join the next TD-DI web meeting and can present the proposed plugfest topic about TD and discovery.

Best wishes

Von: Soumya Kanti Datta [] 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 10. Dezember 2015 06:34
An: Yingying Chen; Public Web of Things IG
Betreff: Re: [TF-TD] minutes for yesterday's TD call

One little point of correction. Jan 24th is Sunday and the plugfest will be on Jan 25th.

@ Sebastian, Darko - would you like to join the next TF-DI meeting to examine how do we do discovery based on TD. By looking at the minutes, I think you are looking for central registry based discovery. We could narrow down to the scenario together.


Research Engineer, Eurecom, France | +33658194342 | @skdatta2010 | Skype id: soumyakantidatta
On 10-12-2015 09:40, Yingying Chen wrote:
Hi All,

Please find the minutes at:

We discussed PlugFest logistics for Nice F2F. Sebastian, Darko, Oliver, Daniel and Matthias showed the proposals for next PlugFest on TD, DI, Security, API and PlugREST respectively. We also shortly discussed the Tech Landscape. And this is the last TD call in this year.

Thank you.

BR, Yingying 

Received on Thursday, 10 December 2015 09:28:11 UTC