AW: [TF-AP] Task force on APIs and protocols

Good question. From the number of people in the break-out I’d expect at max 20 at a gut-feeling, but that number is purely intuition.

Von: Dave Raggett []
Gesendet: Dienstag, 28. April 2015 09:13
An: Hund, Johannes
Cc: Public Web of Things IG;
Betreff: Re: [TF-AP] Task force on APIs and protocols

On 27 Apr 2015, at 16:56, Hund, Johannes <<>> wrote:

Dear WoT IG,

In the break-out discussion of the task force for API & Protocol mapping at the  Munich F2F it was proposed that we (Kazuo Kajimoto and Johannes Hund) should moderate the discussion of this task force to get things rolling.

As the regular calls for the whole interest group will be reduced to every four weeks, the TF decided to have bi-weekly calls, alternating between US and Asian compatible time-zones, for the complete task force. We also plan to have some additional calls in the beginning to pick up pace.

To start, it was decided to have a first call on Thursday, April 30 @ 9am CEST.
-> Can we get a webex for this? If not I'd stick to IRC & zakim, reusing the code for GMT-X.

Can you give me an estimate for how many people are expected for the April 30 call, and I will set up a WebEx call.

   Dave Raggett <<>>

Received on Tuesday, 28 April 2015 07:20:18 UTC