Re: Here’s the one thing someone needs to invent before the internet of things can take off


There are definitely valid points in the blog post, but there is also 
quite a bit of (recent) work already done in this space. For example:

CoRE Link Format:

CoRE Interfaces:

Media Types for Sensor Markup Language (SENML):

IPSO smart objects:

These are building blocks we can use to glue different services 
together. But what is missing? And what should be the role of W3C 
driving that work?

Unfortunately I will not be able to join the Munich meeting, but I'm 
looking forward to hear what was discussed there.


On 10/04/15 05:19, Dave Raggett wrote:
> Interesting blog post
>> a critical piece of the internet of things puzzle remains to be
>> solved. What engineers lack is a universal glue to bind all the of the
>> “things” in the internet of things to each other and to the cloud.
> and a little later
>> The internet of things has yet to find its HTML
> See:
> This is similar to what Intel’s Mike Bell says:
>> Eventually, something like HTML, the language of the web, will be
>> required to make the internet of things realize its potential.
>> “Interoperability is critical”
> In essence, the IoT is beset by product silos and a plethora of
> approaches and platforms with very little interoperability.  We’re
> beginning to see a repeat of the mobile arena with companies vying to
> own the ecosystems they set up. Most will fail, leaving a few competing
> and non-interoperable platforms. This fragmentation presents many
> challenges to developers who want to deliver services across platforms.
> The solution will be to expose these platforms through the Web with a
> new class of web servers that provide an open framework for the Web of
> Things by analogy with the Web of Pages, enabling world wide discovery
> and interoperability.
> More specifically, we could have web servers that expose “things” as
> proxies for physical or abstract entities, and model these in terms of
> events, properties and actions, with bindings to scripting APIs and to a
> variety of protocols to support REST communication patterns like push,
> pull, pub-sub and peer to peer.
> A “thing” description language would play the role of HTML, and provide
> for core metadata and relationships to other things, as a basis for
> discovery and interoperability through matching both semantics and data
> formats. Servers could be designed for a wide range of scales from the
> cloud through to microcontrollers. I am working on a write up with
> further details, and look forward to presenting this at the upcoming
> Munich face to face.
> If you haven’t already registered and would like to attend the meeting
> please register as soon as possible so that our hosts are properly prepared.
> WoT IG F2F Meeting:
> Registration form:
> Looking forward to seeing you all in Munich!
> —
>     Dave Raggett < <>>

Received on Monday, 13 April 2015 07:38:15 UTC