> On 10 Apr 2015, at 18:02, Erik Wilde <dret@berkeley.edu> wrote:
> hello.
> On 2015-04-10 05:51, Dave Raggett wrote:
>> XML or JSON aren’t sufficient by themselves. We need semantics, data
>> formats, and bindings to scripting languages and protocols, e.g. HTTP,
>> Web Sockets, CoAP, MQTT, STOMP and XMPP. We also need a consistent
>> approach to security, for instance, see: Bruce Schneier’s post: "The
>> Internet of Things is Wildly Insecure — And Often Unpatchable"
> well, if the goal is to have a "unified world model of things", which seems to be what dave is suggesting, then step 1 would be to define such a model, in some shape or form.
That sounds way too ambitious! We just talking about a basic framework in terms of events, properties and actions, along with the flexibility to express richer semantics via RDF using say JSON-LD. By declaratively expressing the relationships between things, we can support discovery by following links, richer search, dependency management (perhaps akin to Linux package management), and simpler expression of behaviour, which points to opportunities for end user service creation. See http://ifttt.com <http://ifttt.com/> for motivation.
Dave Raggett <dsr@w3.org <mailto:dsr@w3.org>>