WoT IG Communicaiton TF monthly meeting - Wed, Jan 20, EST 6:00 / EU 12:00 / China 19:00 / Japan 20:00

Dear all,

The next WoT IG Communicaiton TF monthly meeting will be on Wed 20 Jan 
this week. Meeting time is EST 6:00  / EU 12:00 / China 19:00 / Japan 20:00.

WebEx meeting link:
WebEx meeting details (only member access):

IRC channel: *#wot-comm*

Meeting Agenda:
1. testimonials from other alliances and SDOs
2. improve/add liaison organizations of W3C in liaison page -- long list 
of groups with which we are in various stages of discussion
3. how to communicate on the areas that the future WoT WG will tackle.  
4. strategy for recruiting and retaining members for the W3C work on the 
Web of Things. See[2].
5. review actions from last meeting:

    - [Landing Page] call for testimonials from IG members -- Yingying/Dave
    - [Landing Page] wordpress support for testimonials -- Dave
    - [Landing Page] add wiki page pointer to the left-hand of landing
    page -- Yingying
    - [Upcoming Events] whitepaper for IoT World USA in San Diego -- Due
    date: Jan 4th, 2016
    - [Upcoming Events] presentation for CES in Las Vegas(10-15 slides
    for 10 mins) -- Due date: Jan 4th, 2016
    - [Upcoming Events] presentation for IoT World USA in San Diego
    (version#1: 10-15 slides for 10 mins; version#2: longer version for
    more technical audience) -- Due date: end of Jan  2016

6. AOB

Any comments on the agenda? Thank you.

BR, Yingying

[1] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Proposals_for_WoT_WG_work_items
[2] https://www.w3.org/Team/wiki/Member_Recruitment_for_the_Web_of_Things

Received on Monday, 18 January 2016 06:16:38 UTC