summary of yesterday's TF call

Dear All,

Please find the summary below for yesterday's TF call. Thanks.

1. IoT World USA, Feb 2016
     - Web of Things messaging 2016 at [1].
     - draft sales sheet available at [2].
     - draft banner available at [3].
2. Other important events that we need to prepare
     i)  Industry of Things World Europe, Berlin, 19-20 September 2016 [4].
         - Georg from the German office works on it. We hope to have a 
stand and talk at the Berlin event then fly to Lisbon for TPAC.
     ii)  IEEE IoT conference in Reston, VA, U.S. on 12-14 Dec. 2016 [5].
         - Soumya is on the program committee.
         - W3C has a chance to speak there. Special session or tutorial 
may be possible. It would be possible to have Jeff Jaffe to speak.
         - *ACTION:* Soumya to introduce Dave to the IEEE IoT conference 
     iii) Interop Tokyo event in Makuhari, Japan on 8-10 Jun. 2016 [6]
         - kind of CES in Japan
         - W3C can have a booth
         - if IG members interested, event like mini plugfest can be 
     iv) WWW 2016 W3C Track in Montréal, Canada, on 13-14 April 2016 [7]
         - Marie-Claire is organizing the track. We(WoT) have 2 sessions.
         - Dave has sent an email to IG public list to invite people to 
make presentation. Currently Dave, Louay Bassbouss, Sebastian Kaebisch, 
Frank Reusch and Soumya Kanti Datta will make presentation
         - Soumya will talk on connected vehicles. W3C Vehicle API is 
part of the talk.
*ACTION*: Yingying to add the events on Communication TF wiki page
3. Liaison Statement from OMA CD to W3C on GotAPI and DWAPI [8]
     - we already have liaison with OMA [9].
     - we can extend the liaison with OMA for the WoT topic.
     - *ACTION:* Dave to contact Bryan (cc Mohammed Dadas from Orange) 
to ask for his advice on OMA liaison re WoT
4. ISO/IEC JTC 1/WG 10 requested for feedback on a draft for ISO/IEC 
30141, IoT Reference Architecture, and for contributions on IoT use cases
     - We could discuss the architecture during upcoming calls as there 
is work item within the draft charter on architecture.
     -  Kaz will ask Kajimoto-san for opinion about possible 
relationship with the ISO/IEC work after Dave uploads the attachment 
from ISO/IEC.
     - For ISO/IEC liaison, Jonathan Jeon (ETRI) has previously posted 
emails and should be in the loop
     - *ACTION:* Dave to upload ISO/IEC attachments to the wiki and 
provide a link
5. WoT F2F meeting plan (April, July)
     - Montreal F2F in April wiki is available [10].
         * Dave will work with UQAM on registration & payment for the F2F
         * Dave will send details of host contact to task force leads
         * We need to discuss with Roger @ UQAM about plugfest 
preparation on Sunday before the F2F.
     - ACTION : Yingying to create wiki page for the meeting -- not 
ready yet
6. testimonials from members and from other alliances and SDOs :
     - 2 submissions from members were received as [11] and [12].
     - Dave will work with Yingying on inviting testimonials from 
external orgs.
     - ACTION : Yingying to send a further reminder and give members 
another week to provide testimonials.
7. improve/add liaison organizations of W3C in liaison page
     - Dave is working with Stefan Hoppe on a draft collaboration with 
OPC Foundation and an entry for our liaison page
     - *ACTION:* Joerg to reach out to OIC for the WoT IG Montreal F2F
8. Soumya is providing WoT related articles for Consumer Electronics 
Magazine, IEEE [13]
     - The magazine is aimed at consumers.
     - Soumya will first circulate the draft to the task force leaders, 
and to Joerg and Dave within a week or so.
     - The publication date is in July.

Best Regards,


Received on Thursday, 18 February 2016 08:51:10 UTC