[WoT IG communicaiton TF] reminder of actions from last meeting and proposed agenda for next meeting

Hi All,

Happy New Year!

Here is a a list of actions from last meeting.  FYI.

- [Landing Page] call for testimonials from IG members -- Yingying/Dave
- [Landing Page] wordpress support for testimonials -- Dave
- [Landing Page] add wiki page pointer to the left-hand of landing page 
-- Yingying
- [Upcoming Events] whitepaper for IoT World USA in San Diego -- Due 
date: Jan 4th, 2016
- [Upcoming Events] presentation for CES in Las Vegas(10-15 slides for 
10 mins) -- Due date: Jan 4th, 2016
- [Upcoming Events] presentation for IoT World USA in San Diego 
(version#1: 10-15 slides for 10 mins; version#2: longer version for more 
technical audience) -- Due date: end of Jan  2016

Please see the following proposed agenda for our next meeting on 
Wednesday Jan 20th, 2016.
- testimonials from other alliances and SDOs
- improve/add liaison organizations of W3C in liaison page -- long list 
of groups with which we are in various stages of discussion
- how to communicate on the areas that the future WoT WG will tackle. 
https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Proposals_for_WoT_WG_work_items -- 
proposed by Coralie

Please comments on the proposed agenda and propose new items for next 
WoT communication TF meeting .

Thank you.

BR, Yingying

Received on Thursday, 31 December 2015 09:22:17 UTC