WoT IG communicaiton TF monthly meeting - Wed, Dec. 16

Dear all,

The next WoT IG communicaiton TF monthly meeting will be on Wed 16/12 
this week.

The WebEx meeting:

IRC: #wot

Meeting Agenda:
1. Landing page: (Dave, Yingying)
2. Upcoming events (Karen, Dave)
     - CES, Las Vegas(Jan 6-9)
     - Industry of Things World USA(Feb 25-26)
     * status and materials needed
3. Stuff for outreach:
     - Whitepaper - Dave
     - WoT outreach materials  by Daniel and Darko
     - Presentation to OneM2M - Dave
     - Domain specific use cases – what, who, how?
     - Differentiation of IoT and WoT – who, what?
     - relating where W3C is in relationship to other organizations – 
who, what, how?
4. AOB

Any comments on the agenda? Thank you.

BR, Yingying

Received on Tuesday, 15 December 2015 03:35:45 UTC