RE: Uploading to MediaWiki

Pleased to say that I've moved ahead a lot further since my last
message, and that I'm now porting moinmoin successfully to MediaWiki,
incorporating the XML import mechanism :)

The code is still very untidy, and I've not figured out attachments yet,
but I've made a lot of progress.

Thanks all.


-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Ruttenberg [] 
Sent: 26 October 2007 15:23
To: Rotan Hanrahan
Subject: Re: Uploading to MediaWiki

Openoffice has mediawiki export. Maybe these give you enough to see  
how it works?


On Oct 26, 2007, at 1:23 AM, Rotan Hanrahan wrote:

> I'm not planning to use the "export" feature, just the "import".  
> What I
> hope to do is to generate an XML file from my converted moinmoin  
> pages.
> This is why I need to know the details of the XML format. Sure, the  
> helps me understand the syntax, but not the semantics. I think I have
> guessed a fair amount of it, but there's still some grey area. For
> example, the <id> element appears in a few places, but what is it for?
> Does it have to be in some sequential order? What happens if the
> contributor username doesn't correspond to a user on the uploading  
> wiki?
> While my guesses regarding the document semantics will probably work
> fine, I'd rather not create a tool that was based on guesswork, no
> matter how educated. If someone can point me to an authoritative
> definition, that would be great. Even directing me to the right  
> place in
> the MediaWiki server source code could be helpful.
> ---Rotan.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alan Ruttenberg []
> Sent: 26 October 2007 06:09
> To: Sandro Hawke
> Cc: Rotan Hanrahan;
> Subject: Re: Uploading to MediaWiki
> I've use import/export.
> I used it to move the OWL page from my prototype to the real thing,
> and to export/import help pages into the wiki.
> Works pretty damned well. I was impressed. Keeps page histories and
> everything.
> -Alan
> On Oct 25, 2007, at 9:50 PM, Sandro Hawke wrote:
>> "Rotan Hanrahan" <> writes:
>>> There is one other thing I wanted to point out...
>>> If you are a WikiMedia Sysop you'll know about the import/export
>>> feature. This enables you to export any existing WikiMedia pages
>>> as an
>>> XML archive, and also to import such XML archives into a WikiMedia
>>> server.
>> You mean, "if you're a WikiMedia Foundation Certified Wiki
>> Engineer...."
>> :-)
>> Seriously, there are so many features I haven't yet noticed.  This is
>> one.  Excellent....
>>> Has anyone got any experience using the import/export feature? If  
>>> so,
>>> this is something I'd be very interested to know about because this
>>> mechanism can preserve timestamps and other metadata.
>> Certainly not I.  But yes, I'd be very inclined to use "import" for
>> the
>> MoinMoin->MediaWiki migration.
>>     -- Sandro

Received on Friday, 26 October 2007 15:04:03 UTC