Beam: A Tool for Flexible Software Update [1994]

On Mon, 19 Oct 2009 13:34:24 GMT
In Beam: A Tool for Flexible Software Update

Beam:      A Tool for Flexible Software Update
Source:    System Administration Conference archive,
            Proceedings of the 8th USENIX conference
            on System administration, San Diego, California
Pages:     75 - 82
Year:      1994
Author:    Thomas Eirich, University of Erlangen- Nurnberg, Germany
Publisher: USENIX Association  Berkeley, CA,

Today's workstations often have a limited local disk space. Besides  
putting the home of the workstation's owner onto the local disk it is  
reasonable to place frequently used software packages on the disk,  
too. This reduces network traffic and makes a workstation more  
independent from file servers. Of course, the replicated software must  
be kept consistent with the versions on the file servers. This should  
be done by an automatic update mechanism.

Karl Dubost - Dev Team Director
« Il doit être modeste mais non de pacotille,
  bon marché mais non fragile. » Soetsu Yanagi

Received on Monday, 19 October 2009 14:23:49 UTC