- From: Rigo Wenning <rigo@w3.org>
- Date: Mon, 29 Jun 2009 08:51:38 +0200
- To: "public-widgets-pag" <public-widgets-pag@w3.org>
- Message-Id: <200906290851.38906.rigo@w3.org>
---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Dear Mr Rigo Wenning, I have found a patent from 1991, that sounds exactly like automatic update from Apple. While they never use word automatic as the patent is described from administrator position and from that position the update is not automatic, but triggered by administrators. The update appears automatic only from client side (in patent - subscriber terminal). The patent from Apple describes same system of upgrade, but from client position, where it appears automatic. http://www.wikipatents.com/4982430.html Publication Date: January 1, 1991 "the latter approach is advantageous in that system software can be modified, and each new release distributed via one of the channels of the communication network to each subscriber terminal. This approach enables a system operator to upgrade the software in literally hundreds of thousands of terminals merely by providing new software to be downloaded via the communication network" "A potential problem may arise, however, with the downloading of software into subscriber terminals. In particular, a system intruder could download fraudulent software into a subscriber terminal, which data would be used to take control of the terminal without knowledge by the system operator or the subscriber. The intruder could then access a subscriber's bank account, shop at home account, or conduct other transactions and thereby steal funds, goods, and services." -------------------------------------------------------
Received on Monday, 29 June 2009 06:52:14 UTC