Re: Status of incubations

Hi All,

Just a massive thank you to everyone for chiming in over the last week. 🙏 

It’s so great to hear about so many things moving forward and others evolving into new ideas and areas of exploration: “the system works!”™️

The Chairs will be poking around the repos checking status over next few weeks/months and seeing how we can help! 

As always, if you need a hand, guidance, or more eyes on things, just reach out via the “@WICG/chairs” username on Github or email us at 

Thanks again!!
Co-Chair WICG 

> On 21 Feb 2023, at 16:40, Marcos Caceres <> wrote:
> Hi WICG participants, 
> Could you kindly let the CG Chairs know if you are no longer pursuing an incubation or if your incubation has migrated to a working group?
> You can either reply to this email or ping us directly on GitHub via and issue that mentions @WICG/chairs.  
> We are working our way through the WICG organization’s repos to get a sense of where each incubation is at, and if we can do more to foster collaboration, feedback, and if we need to archive any repos.
> Appreciate your help,
> Marcos (WICG Co-Chair) 

Received on Saturday, 25 February 2023 04:48:03 UTC