Re: Proposal to advertise UA automation

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Sergey Shekyan <>, 2017-01-17 21:12 -0800:
> Archived-At: <>
> Hi,
> I'd like to discuss benefits of advertising user agent automation. I
> started the topic at webappsec (
> but this mailing list seems to be more suitable for the topic.
> The idea is to attach an HTTP request header to navigation requests that
> are initiated by automation tools, by which I mean headless browsers, web
> driver driven browsers, etc.
> The benefit for the webste operator is to have a choice in responding to
> such requests differently. For example, do not serve ads, suggest using API
> scraping rather that loading heavy resources, send through failed CAPTCHA
> route, etc.
> This approach intersects with robots.txt a little, but none of modern UA
> automation tools honor robots.txt, and implementing the advertising flag
> seems to be relatively easy.
> Thanks,
> Sergey Shekyan

Michael[tm] Smith

Received on Wednesday, 18 January 2017 19:25:29 UTC