[whatwg] Proposal Update

I finally got my proposal straightened out.  It's as simple as follows:
Content Markup Language (CML)
Port Tag:Syntax:  <port [attribution(0/1)], [attributes], [coord]>(+)
Source Tag:Syntax:  <source [href](+)[line], [attribution(0/1)], [attributes], [coord]>(+)
Destination Tag:Syntax:  <destination [href](+)[line], [attribution (0/1)], [attributes], [coord]>
CSS Tag:Syntax:  <css>/</css>
Appendation Operator:Syntax: +  (placed at the end of either <port>, or <source>)
CSS is accomplished by appending singular/multiple sources to a singular destination record for retrieval, and appliance of style attributes to page objects as in the following code:

**CSS Batch**<source [href](+)[line], [css_href], [attributes], [coord]>+<source [href](+)[line], [css_href], [attributes], [coord]>+<source [href](+)[line], [css_href], [attributes], [coord]>+<destination [css_record_href]>
**CSS Attribution**<css><source [href](+)[line], [css_href], [attributes], [coord]><source [href](+)[line], [css_href], [attributes], [coord]><source [href](+)[line], [css_href], [attributes], [coord]></css>
CSS batch sources must be grouped in the preferred sequential order.  The <css> tag encapsulates the source batch for css attribution on the sources in sequential order.
The <port> tag enables portability with real-time data ports, encryption/decryption, and porting to window popups, window tabs, and viewport.
The internal '+' tag operator enables line parsing within html records, for execution of specific html lines of source code.
I think CML will eventually phase out html all together.  What do you think?

Received on Friday, 7 October 2016 16:57:08 UTC