Re: [whatwg] window.opener security issues (Was: WhatWG is broken)

On 12/2/16 11:34 AM, Michael A. Peters wrote:
> It seems that CSP behavior has radically changed since the last time I
> looked at it

I can't speak to when you last looked at it, but the current state 
shipping in browsers is, as far as I know, no different from what 
browsers shipped initially for purposes of this discussion.

> At least historically, the on* attributes were not allowed, the style
> attributes were not allowed, and any script nodes in the body were not
> allowed.

If you specify script-src and style-src and don't include 
'unsafe-inline', sure.

> If CSP now allows them by default then I am not very happy about that

CSP allows the things you don't issue directives for.  If you don't 
issue any script-src directives (or default-src directives), then there 
won't be any limitations on scripts.


Received on Friday, 2 December 2016 16:48:14 UTC