Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

Am .03.2015, 02:51 Uhr, schrieb Miles Fidelman  

> […] It seems like:
> - It's getting harder and harder to do simple things.  Too many
> JavaScript frameworks and libraries.  Too much complexity. Authoring
> should not require extensive programming skills. (Whatever happened to
> the read/write web?).

I think that simple things are still simple to achieve. A few use cases  
became a little more verbose when presentational HTML parts were  
deprecated in favor of CSS (like now you have to write style="width:50%"  
instead of width="50%"), but other things have become easier than they  
were in the past, for example providing the document encoding (<meta  
charset="…"> instead of <meta http-equiv="Content-type"  

Does authoring as in writing articles on the web really require  
programming skills? I don't think so. Of course, if someone wants to have  
all the newest and shiniest interactive stuff, it may require some  
programming skills. But those are things that weren't easier in the past,  
are they? I think that they were hard too or not even possible. So things  
didn't become harder, but you can now do additional stuff that's hard.

Too many JavaScript frameworks and libraries? We're not forced to use any,  
are we? So I don't understand. Well, I'm annoyed myself when people use  
JavaScript stuff instead of simpler things, for example <span  
onclick="javascript:window.location.href=''"> instead  
of <a href="">. But the point is that a link with an  
<a>-element still works as it always did; nobody asked people to use  
JavaScript instead.

I think that web pages don't need to be complex; people make them complex.  
I don't consider that human characteristic to be solvable by adding more  
syntax options.


Received on Saturday, 28 March 2015 16:38:13 UTC