Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

On 03/27/2015 06:51 PM, Miles Fidelman wrote:
> I've been reading through the discussion thread, all of which seems to
> jump immediately into the weeds of specific details of the proposal.
> I'm amazed that nobody has yet commented on the implicit premise, which
> I read as:
> - JavaScript is a processing pig
> - with the addition of a few, well-defined constructs to HTML, with
> support from browsers, we could do a lot of what we want (or what people
> are doing) - without the overhead imposed by JavaScript
> To me, this seems like a very good thing.  It seems like:
> - It's getting harder and harder to do simple things.  Too many
> JavaScript frameworks and libraries.  Too much complexity. Authoring
> should not require extensive programming skills. (Whatever happened to
> the read/write web?).
> - JavaScript seems to encourage poor programming style, or at least
> resource-intensive programming.  It seems like 2/3 of the web pages I
> visit either freeze up, or just take incredibly long to load. Granted,
> that a lot of this is this stems from all the little click monitoring
> apps, and widgets, and who knows what else people put on their pages -
> and waiting for those various sites to respond - but it's the
> proliferation of more and more JavaScript that enables this.

In HTML5 some functionality ordinarily provided by JavaScript that now 
can be done by HTML5, e.g. the details tag and progress tag, is still 
not universally supported by modern browsers requiring JavaScript fallback.

I don't know why it takes the browsers so long to implement, but it does.

The problem with JavaScript is that fewer and fewer web devs care. 
Rather than picking a framework (like jQuery) and sticking with it, they 
copypasta JS they find around the web (often in violation of the 
license) and add whatever framework that snippet depends upon.

Few people care about passing their JS through tools like JSLint, and 
many pages still have dozens of external JS references as well as 
numerous inline scripts.

They just don't care. And that is hard to fix with standards because 
they don't care.

Received on Saturday, 28 March 2015 02:46:16 UTC