Re: [whatwg] <iframe async>

On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 7:52 PM, Fady Samuel <> wrote:
> This is obviously larger than the particular set of use cases mentioned
> here, but another set of iframe discussions I've seen lately have centered
> around going off thread or out of process. I wonder if there is a more
> basic primitive here that can apply to all these use cases [and perhaps
> even allow for new behaviors we haven't thought of]? Perhaps a new email
> thread would be appropriate for such a discussion?

One problem with having a switch that does more than asked for is that
it might not get you the adoption you want. Often when deployed web
sites are already complicated it's easier to add something that
changes a single thing than add something that changes a bunch, some
of which you might not need.

Would love to see more ideas though, either here or in a new thread.


Received on Wednesday, 4 March 2015 15:13:58 UTC