[whatwg] Site-Wide Heading Element

(This is my first post here, so I’m not sure about appropriate protocols).

HTML5 adds more power to the heading elements, which is a good thing. 
However, there appears to be no recommended element for marking up a 
site-wide banner title.

Presumably, the correct element is h1 for the banner heading, but this 
may be at odds with the notion that h1 should describe the specific 
page. The banner title would be expected to be the same for most, if not 
all, pages, while the h1 might be expected to be different for each page.

While we should not pay too much heed to the whims of search engines, 
there is the notion that varying the h1 in pages is good for SEO. For 
this reason many site owners and developers are reluctant to use the 
main h1 as a banner title.

As far as I am aware, there is no suitable HTML(5) element for a 
site-wide heading. I would like to see the introduction of such an 
element. Here are some suggestions:

  * The purpose of the element is to provide a semantically appropriate
    container for a site-wide title.
  *  From a behavioural point of view, it would be similar to an h1
    element. That is, a block element with mostly text.
  * There would be no other special default appearance, much like a
    paragraph. CSS can handle the rest.
  * There should only be one such element on a page, in the body
    element. It may be nested inside another suitable element, such as a

I have no strong opinion on the name of the element. Some suggestions 
are: title, banner, name, sitename, site, elementwithoutanyothername.


  Mark Simon

Manngo Net Pty Ltd

mobile:0411 246 672

email:mark@manngo.net <mailto:mark@comparity.net>


Received on Wednesday, 24 June 2015 02:58:51 UTC