Re: [whatwg] DOM Events Proposal: EventListenerOptions 'mayCancel' for improved scroll performance

On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 11:05 AM, Anne van Kesteren <> wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 3:58 PM, Rick Byers <> wrote:
> > I'd love to hear other ideas!
> Well, we have had some discussions in the past about introducing a
> better event API:
> Maybe the time has come...

I think there's a big opportunity to substantially improve scroll
performance on the web in the relatively short term by doing something
incremental.  I.e. I'm pretty sure I can get major scroll-blocking
libraries like Google Analytics to opt into the pattern proposed here in a
relatively short timeframe.  I'm much less sure I could get them to switch
to a completely new event API in any sort of reasonable timeframe.

What do you think about an incremental path?  I don't see any fundamental
reason that things need to change drastically.

(I agree with Philip that if we add this it would need to become part
> of whatwg/dom. That seems like a better place for any GitHub
> discussion too.)

If we can get consensus on the basic approach, then I'd be happy to rework
my proposal in the form of a pull-request and move all issue tracking to
whatwg/dom.  There's probably no point in doing that until we have an
agreement on the basic API shape, right?

> --

Received on Thursday, 9 July 2015 15:16:25 UTC