Re: [whatwg] Clarification for window.opener.location.href

> even when the two windows have different domains
> Basically window.opener.location.href = "whatever" works all the time

Looks like Chrome, Firefox and Opera already differentiate between window origins when the example is changed to window.opener.location.href="javascript:alert(‘Gotcha');” - if they’re on the same origin the alert is displayed, if they’re on different origins it’s not.

I guess it’s a logical that the existing restriction should be applied more widely.

Mat Carey

> On 5 Jan 2015, at 22:17, Nicholas C. Zakas <> wrote:
> Hi,
> This bug has been open for Chromium since last year:
> It describes the ability of a popup window or other tab to modify the location of it's window.opener even when the two windows have different domains. Basically window.opener.location.href = "whatever" works all the time, regardless of origin restrictions, and pretty much works that way across all browsers.
> This seems to indicate that this behavior isn't allowed:
> This issue is pretty big for sites that host user-generated content, as it's easy to create an attack, such as:
> 1. Go to a UGC site that allows uploading files with embedded links.
> 2. Upload a file containing a link to an attacker's page.
> 3. When someone clicks the link, the attacker page redirects the original window to a page that looks like the UGC site but is actually a phishing site designed to look like it. The user doesn't notice this because focus is on the attacker's page in the new window while the redirect happens.
> So my question is: is the spec incorrect in that it should reflect reality? Or are browsers incorrect and we should be hounding them to fix this behavior?
> -- 
> ___________________________
> Nicholas C. Zakas

Received on Tuesday, 6 January 2015 12:17:37 UTC