Re: [whatwg] Order of popstate event and scroll restoration - interop issue

On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 3:31 AM, Olli Pettay <> wrote:
>> There are two options to get an interop solution:
>> Option 1. Change the spec to reverse order, making the workaround
>> supported
>> officially.
>> Does anybody know if there was any specific reasons behind the current
>> order?
> If we do this, I think popstate event should also become cancelable, so that
> web page could easily
> prevent  scrolling (in that case there wouldn't be need to play with
> scrollRestoration always)

Is there an advantage to having two ways to prevent scoll restoration?

Either way it seems like cancelling "popstate" would be a strange way
to do so. Cancelling "popstate" sounds like it would prevent the state
transition from happening, which, if I understand the proposal
correctly, it would not do?

/ Jonas

Received on Thursday, 13 August 2015 03:48:23 UTC