- From: Adam Barth <w3c@adambarth.com>
- Date: Fri, 23 May 2014 17:23:36 -0700
- To: whatwg <whatwg@lists.whatwg.org>
When is it safe for a user agent to garbage collect a BroadcastChannel instance? http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/web-messaging.html#broadcasting-to-other-browsing-contexts Given that another document might create a new BroadcastChannel instance at any time, the |message| event of the object might fire any time its responsible document is fully active. For web application that have long-lived documents, the BroadcastChannel might not be eligible for garbage collection for a long time. Proposal: Add a |close| method to the BroadcastChannel interface similar to the |close| method on MessagePort. The |close| method would just neuter the instance of the channel and prevent it from receiving further messages. Adam
Received on Saturday, 24 May 2014 00:33:06 UTC