Re: [whatwg] Adding 2D Canvas features

On Mon, 30 Sep 2013, Tom Wiltzius wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 2:21 PM, Ian Hickson <> wrote:
> > On Thu, 5 Sep 2013, Tom Wiltzius wrote:
> > >
> > > Meanwhile this doesn't change the other Canvas2D-related work 
> > > ongoing in the Chromium project, so we're still keen to see some new 
> > > features added to the Canvas spec. Ian if it would help to identify 
> > > items in the spec that Chromium doesn't intend to implement (at 
> > > least any time soon), we can attempt to do so.
> >
> > If there are specific things in the spec that you think are bad and 
> > should be removed, please do raise them on the mailing list, yes.
> I think we're reasonably certain that *HD methods should be removed, but 
> those are the only solid ones.

Yeah those are going to be cut, I'm just trying to figure out how to 
replace them. See:

> > If there are specific things not in the spec that you have 
> > implemented, then please file a bug pointing to the documentation for 
> > whatever you have implemented, using:
> >
> > If there's multiple implementations, and HTML is the right spec, then 
> > I'll pretty much automatically spec it. Otherwise, it'll be based on 
> > whether it makes sense and has use cases. (So far example, I haven't 
> > added canvas text decoration APIs, which have been raised as something 
> > Chrome might implement, as discussed in my last e-mail to this list. 
> > The alpha parameter, though, needs speccing, I just haven't gotten 
> > around to it yet -- it's on my list though.)
> Great, I was wondering specifically about the status of the alpha 
> attribute-- glad to hear it's just spec'ing that needs to happen, I 
> wasn't clear on if this was blocked on "no new features" or not. Thanks!

The idea of limiting the rate of spec additions is to limit the rate of 
new implementations. If the implementations already exist, there's no 
point not adding it to the spec. :-)

Ian Hickson               U+1047E                )\._.,--....,'``.    fL       U+263A                /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Received on Monday, 30 September 2013 23:01:12 UTC