Re: [whatwg] <picture> redux

It does look good to me, though I can't evaluate it from an implementation perspective. I'll defer to others on that. 

Requiring the <img> also also forces backwards comparability for clients that don't support <picture>. (As long as the author gives it a fallback src attribute.)

One part isn't clear to me yet: what <source> attribute is used for DPR multipliers? Allowing both multipliers and intrinsic widths would be ideal and flexible.

— Timothy Hatcher

> On Nov 20, 2013, at 9:25 AM, "Tab Atkins Jr." <> wrote:
> <picture> *requires* an <img> child, and it's the <img> that still
> actually displays the image.  The <picture> element is just a wrapper
> for the <img>+<source> elements, and provides a context for the source
> selection algorithm.  This makes testing substantially easier, as we
> can limit ourselves to testing the source selection algorithm, and
> probably makes implementation easier as well.

Received on Wednesday, 20 November 2013 18:32:44 UTC