Re: [whatwg] <imgset> responsive imgs proposition (Re: The src-N proposal)

Really? An empty div element? What about accessibility or When CSS cannot be loaded? What if only html is grabbed by another page? It doesn't seem to be a really solid solution in my opinion.


> On 12 Nov 2013, at 19:40, "Tab Atkins Jr." <> wrote:
>> On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 9:50 AM, Adam Barth <> wrote:
>> We might even be able to make this work without inventing anything:
>> <style type="text/css">
>> @media (min-width: 480px) {
>>  .artdirected {
>>    width: 30px;
>>    height: 30px;
>>    background-image: image-set(url(small.png) 1x, url(small-hires.png) 2x);
>> }
>> }
>> @media (min-width: 600px) {
>>  .artdirected {
>>    width: 60px;
>>    height: 60px;
>>    background-image: image-set(url(large.png) 1x, url(large-hires.png) 2x);
>> }
>> }
>> </style>
>> <div class="artdirected"></div>
>> All the information is there.  We just need to teach the preload
>> scanner to parse a subset of CSS and match a subset of selectors.  If
>> you stay within the "preloadable" subset, then your images will be
>> loaded by the preload scanner.  Otherwise, they'll just be loaded
>> normally.
>> What's most attractive to me about this approach is that it doesn't
>> require inventing anything new, which means the compatibility story
>> for older user agents is solid.  You don't need a polyfill or anything
>> like that.
> If you legitimately think this will work, I'm for it.  If you just
> think it's a vague "maybe", I'd like to continue pursuing new syntax.
> (If we do this, we just need to port the variable-sized-image stuff
> into image-set().  It wouldn't be hard.)
> ~TJ

Received on Tuesday, 12 November 2013 18:45:20 UTC