Re: [whatwg] <imgset> responsive imgs proposition (Re: The src-N proposal)

On 12.11.2013, at 09:11, Adam Barth <> wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 12:08 AM, Jukka K. Korpela <> wrote:
>> 2013-11-12 9:58, Adam Barth wrote:
>>> Unfortunately, we can't add new tags to head.  If the parser sees a
>>> tag it doesn't recognize in the head, it creates a fake body tag and
>>> pushes the tag down into the body.
>> But you could use <style type=text/foobar>...</style>, with a suitable value
>> for foobar, like x-imgset. This could even be handled with a polyfill in old
>> browsers (JavaScript code that reads such elements and interprets their
>> content).
> Maybe there's a CSS solution to this problem?  Do we just need to make
> the preload scanner smarter about interpreting CSS?
> Adam

Dear Adam,

no, a preload scanner will never (okay, never say never) interpret CSS.
This is against the rule of it to improve performance before interpreting layout.
This also has been answered more in detail several times now so if you need
more evidence, please look up in the archives. Thanks :)


Received on Tuesday, 12 November 2013 08:15:58 UTC